Edmonton's favourite Euro-themed, outdoor retail mall has made significant gains since the time of our last update in May. Progress has been swift at Manchester Square, the Amsterdam-inspired commercial complex by 76 Group Co and Gardner Architecture now sporting a series of whimsical, old-timey, false fronts.
Spanning one full length of the "L" shaped development, the application of bright green insulation materials, in addition to the cookie-cutter false fronts, have given Manchester Square an unmistakable silhouette. Taking up a vast lot at the corner of 120 St NW and 107 Ave NW in Westmount, the site will be largely transformative - Manchester Square to go a long way towards setting the tone of the neighbourhood.
Just how welcome a prospect this represents, however, appears to be wholly dependent upon public opinion,, our Forum the site of ample criticism aimed at the many curious design decisions on display. Beyond the Manchester ≠ Amsterdam critique, many have made clear a strong distaste for the Disney-esque pastiche architecture, those of this mind suggesting that the project as a whole is an ill-conceived mistake.
No matter how one approaches a project such as this, so ominously large, and central to the core as this, it would appear that the only way to move forward to is to learn and hopefully take away some valuable lessons for the future.
SkyriseEdmonton will be sure to return to this project as progress continues. For more information, check out the associated Database file and Forum thread, and as always, feel free to join the conversation in the comments section below.