Hahha i agreeI like how wacky and ugly Dave's Hot Chicken is.
Wacky yes, but much better than an empty space and if their food is good that is what matters more. Its good to see something new and interesting in the area.I like how wacky and ugly Dave's Hot Chicken is.
That's a good looking street light on 108. European flavor. The Jasper Avenue lighting is spectacular on the bridge and in the valley but has difficulty with the legacy building on Jasper. The 108 st lighting would probably have blended into the different era buildings better.
Warehouse park makes me even more excited about this development.
Brand new brochure verbiage: "Project completion will bring 1,050 new residential units to the area"
Wait what?! Why?Phase Two Might Still be 2 years From now
Also Maclab has No Ongoing Construction Projects Since Mill Woods Town Centre's DP Is being Held up
Can I nominate the Best Buy just up the street instead?I know it's a long shot but if a T&T or an H-Mart similar to the U of A opens up on this retail podium (or the ones in Phase II), I can die a happy man.
I still think Phase II will break ground earlier than announced.