So the possibilities for the Sports "Fan Park" include the following:
*Passive -- strolling through the park noting:
-- "Walks of Fame" for Eskimo/Elks favorites, Oilers favorites, Edmonton Grads favorites, and other notables in other sports endeavors
-- Standing/sitting for feature films adjacent to bronze statue groupings
-- Viewing/admiring statues -- life-size and detailed to true likenesses of sports figures (3-d modeled from AI incarnation of collected photos)
-- admiring plant groupings and, in particular, artistic arrangement of vertical plant arrangements
-- QR code participation by engaging stories related to "Walk of Fame" icons with video readouts on smartphones -- connected to advertising featuring purchase possibilities for related swag (sweaters, t-shirts, miniaturized 3-d models, Proto "M", etc.)
-- engagement with Hologram Proto displays (AI assisted interaction with "programmed" players -- those of "today" as well as those from "Yesteryear"), featuring realtime Q & A with players at "downtimes" on away games (allows players to engage directly with fans -- monitored to keep the discussion positive and "healthy"). Again, smart phones are the interactive platform that initiates the play -- the "Hologram club" would have participation fees.
-- engagement with an animatronic-robotic sports panel (situated in the northeast portion of the park adjacent to the LRT station) -- as indicated on plan the panel would consist of 3 seated robots at a panel desk that are monitored and controlled remotely by trained skilled operators that, via cameras and microphones, can interact with the public. Humor would play a big part in the experience. The "panelists" would field sports questions on any sports subject and projections onto the wall of the arena building would act as a visual aid for the robots. Advertising via projection film would support the effort vis-a-vis advertising. This would provide a fun-fare interaction platform especially for those waiting for a train.
-- via the StreetSeenz modules the ability to search through a holographic catalogue for nearby businesses and articles for purchase; the ability to way-find via downloadable maps directing one to places of business, museums, parks, etc.; a human-to-human interface with multiple language platforms for direct question-and-answer sessions; connection to fee-based internet games with prize potentials; and advertising with product rewards.
-- ability to join in two half-court pick-up basketball games or more sedate games of H-O-R-S-E.
-- programmed events participation like Tai-chi, outdoor Yoga, dog-training, etc.
Food trucks could be made accessible to the park site (managed and controlled via a Sports Park authority).