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Municipal Politics

I think Sohi will have a council quite well aligned with his vision and I will be surprised if he doesn't have a majority of votes on most of his issues.

Eight women on council it looks like. - wow. Most ever.

Nickel's endorsements and buddies - Caterina, Dziadyk and Banga - all losing. Karen Principe, who beat Dziadyk, is also conservative.

3 of 4 of Iveson's endorsements win - Anne Stevenson, Keren Tang, and ........ASHLEY SALVADOR!!!!
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He is not a sore loser - he is just the same smart ass he always has been. Had he been elected he would have been a smug smart ass.
He's worse than a sore looser.
He could very well be our own version of the Orange Idiot they elected south of the border a few years back. Not a single congratulatory word to Amarjeet, not a bow of respect for his adversaries... Completely self centered, arrogant, pedantic, even....
I am REALLY happy that he's not the Mayor and that most of the candidates that he supported and/or endorsed didn't get into the city council as well.

Not all of the new (and reconducted) councilpeople are progressives, and even those who are, will not necessarily align automatically with Sohi, which is good, because no one's plan should go forward unchecked. However, I envision a brighter future for Edmonton and better times ahead, with all of the election results we got this year (municipal and federal).
Generally quite pleased with the results and progressive female voices that will be added to the conversation.

My only (continued) concern is the lack of depth from a business perspective.
I sadly agree with this. While I am happy overall with the results, I will wait to see what actions this council takes but once again there is a lack of commerce vision / experience on this council. I hope that I am wrong but I do not see much changing in our corporates and commercial competitiveness as a city with this council.

I will reserve my judgement and wait to see what is in store.

Edit: Although my hope is that given our Liberal MP Boissonnault connection, and Sohi's experience as a Liberal MP perhaps this will lead to opportunities that were not available to Edmonton before whether commercial or partnerships or investments. TBD.
congratulations to all those who were successful in their quest to be elected yesterday.

and thank you to all those who were not successful because our democracy depends not on those who are elected but those who were not. it is you who have given us choice and options and debate and discussion.

and best wishes to all of you, elected or not.
Yes, congrats to everyone!! I'm so happy with how this election turned out and I'm hopeful that there's some great things ahead for Edmonton. With people like Mr. Sohi, Andrew Knack and Ashley Salvador at the helm of our civic politics I see a very bright future for smart sustainable urban planning and more socially equitable decision making. I hope I get opportunities in the future to meet the other new councilors who I'm sure will do great things as well! This is definitely and Edmonton win people 🥰
As for Nickel, I almost wanted to believe that after he lost he'd finally drop the act and just say thanks to his fellow candidates and congratulate Sohi, but nope! His small man syndrome is so strong that he couldn't let the horse die without taking a couple more jabs at it on his way out. Good god we dodged a bullet. I don't totally discount everything he's said, and there definitely are large and growing problems Edmonton with have to deal with one way or another, but with him in the mayor's seat how could we've even started to solve them? Anyway, Mike tried to ride the conservative-populist magic carpet to the finish line, acting anti-social and arrogant to his fellow candidates along the way out of ego and pride in the automatic support he believed he had. He got quite far, but not nearly far enough before it came crashing down before him.

I guess the reason why I'm so interested in this is because, in my mind, Mike Nickel symbolizes one of the last bastions of the post war, car-centric conservative "Edmonton-ism" around, and a lot of "old-guard" Edmontonians followed behind him throughout his mayoral run. His loss symbolizes a huge loss for the old ways of city-management and planning, and an opportunity to turn a new leaf. Edmonton has been Alberta's more liberal black sheep for a while now, but this recent election has the potential to put this movement into overdrive and usher in some wild ideas and investment we thought we'd never see for a long time yet!
Electing Karen Principe is a far better choice than that idiot Jon Dziadyk - but we will see.
Being the wife of an Oilers broadcaster doesn't hurt either.
