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Municipal Politics

Fiscal Gap Report - Provincial grants are at a historic high on a per capita basis.

The difference being more grants are project based (Valley Line LRT, Yellowhead Trail, etc), and less are unconstrained.

This is not the narrative this council has all the time. Unconstrained grants (like the former MSI grants) are used for things like infrastructure renewal, which has gone down. But the Province asks us for our priorities every year and we've put most of our eggs in the LRT basket for the last few years and years to come.
Most of our eggs in that basket because for 20 years we barely did anything while other cities our size quickly expanded rail and densified around it.

So now it’s catch up time as congestion will worsen and worsen the next decade.

We’ll soon wish we had built even more transit, even though our current is barely fiscally possible to fund.
Review fees seems to be the round about way of saying increasing them.

With the municipal election coming up, it would be a good question to ask councilors seeking election and reelection about the position on increasing fees and pressing them if they try to give a round about answer.
These increased fees won't just be coming from the City either. I'm pretty sure we'll see them from EPCOR and ATCO and Telus et al for power and water and drainage and franchise fees etc.
I personally don't think it's fair to put project specific funding (which has municipal and federal funding obligations) in the same category as the Local Government Fiscal Framework.

They're two entirely different categories and funding streams, and I don't really consider project funding from the provincial government as a "grant" in the same way as the LGFF and MSI are.
^Not defending it, but from the provinces perspective it's money the City receives for capital projects regardless, they are just taking more control over what is funded. That is really the province's prerogative.

I agree with building out the Valley Line and continuing LRT, it just means we have less money to do other things, in particularly we are falling behind on infrastructure renewal. This was a problem in the 1990's that took a decade or two to resolve. I really hope we don't get into that deficit again.
@Airboy I just wanted to make sure that you were sent/able to respond to the Edmonton survey on disabled access. I have a younger brother who is wheelchair-bound and so I filled the survey out on his behalf.

Dear Ted,

The City of Edmonton is updating the Accessibility for People with Disabilities Policy to continue to reduce barriers for people with disabilities and make Edmonton a more accessible city. The Corporate Accessibility Plan supports the Policy with tangible actions.

Thank you for providing feedback on the barriers to accessibility during Phase 1 engagement in 2024. Based on this feedback, the City has developed new actions to reduce barriers and improve accessibility to City programs, services and spaces. These actions will make up the 2025-2029 Corporate Accessibility Plan.

We are inviting your feedback on the proposed Policy updates and draft accessibility actions.

Follow this link to the Survey:
Take the Survey

To share this survey with others, please use this open link.

Survey Information:
Please allow 8-12 minutes to complete the survey.
This survey will close on March 16 at 11:59 p.m.

If you require an alternative format or a printed version of the survey, please contact

Thank you for your participation.

The guy on the right is running against Rajah. That shirt gives an easy answer to the question "What does modern filth look like?"

In corrections for others: mayoral candidate Tim Cartmell sent out a flyer to every home in Edmonton (at great expense) this week with a link to a survey on his website. The survey was riddled, with many errors.
Literally my thoughts every time I see his socials and other online stuff. The worst graphic design, grammatical errors, etc. absolute amateur hour.

Which is crazy after multiple terms in office and all his political connections. Build a better team bro.
As someone who lives in O-day'min, I feel (as many do) that Stevenson hasn't been the best advocate for the ward, and I admit to being a little Pye-curious. But if he aligns himself with Cartmell, it's over. As frustrated as I am with Sohi and Stevenson, their faction's push for zoning reform, transit, and active transportation seems so obviously good and important that it overshadows just about every other issue for me.
As someone who lives in O-day'min, I feel (as many do) that Stevenson hasn't been the best advocate for the ward, and I admit to being a little Pye-curious. But if he aligns himself with Cartmell, it's over. As frustrated as I am with Sohi and Stevenson, their faction's push for zoning reform, transit, and active transportation seems so obviously good and important that it overshadows just about every other issue for me.

With Wihkwentowin neighbourhood renewal plans about to be finalized in 2026, and the opportunity to do something really great with the plans that are being considered, I am concerned with politicians who are in the camp of 'like for like' - meaning no changes just replace the sidewalk with the same new sidewalk etc. No changes to the type of infrastructure to prioritize active transportation, safety and additional community ammenities would be so disappointing for Edmonton's most dense neighbourhood.
As someone who lives in O-day'min, I feel (as many do) that Stevenson hasn't been the best advocate for the ward, and I admit to being a little Pye-curious. But if he aligns himself with Cartmell, it's over. As frustrated as I am with Sohi and Stevenson, their faction's push for zoning reform, transit, and active transportation seems so obviously good and important that it overshadows just about every other issue for me.
I've met Anand quite a few times, I think he's a great candidate. I wish he was running in a different ward because Stevenson staying into the next Council would also be alright with me.

Smart guy, very level-headed and actually understands the industries we need to focus on in 2025.
