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A perfect example of a quality project aimed directly at the "missing middle". I like the make-up of the development team -- architect, landscape architect, marketing specialist, attorney, and director -- I hope these guys are uber-successful. Reading their website material, it looks as if this project is intended to be typical of their market niche -- quality low rise cluster housing in a mixed use setting. They also have a brand aimed at student housing and another purposed to suit low density retirement pods. I really like their focus. Very successful modulation towards single-family housing along the avenue.
Found this browsing the Arch|TB site; CN Lands Study from 2014 (for what looks like the Allard-owned land south of EPCOR Tower):


Curious if this was commissioned by Allard, or just an exercise Arch|TB took upon themselves.



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Spotted this in the EDC agendas:

NOVEMBER 15, 2016
FCE Properties - Campus and Residence (Rezoning Application LDA15-0120)
Dub Architects - Bobby Harris
10531 and 10541 - 106 Street NW
Sites legally described as: Lot 199 - 201, Block 5, Plan B3

This area:!1s39IenhHEcEKPRRKIaDgShQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

Probably won't be a huge development, but being a Dub design should be interesting I hope?

Only just realized the above is this project:
Edmonton | MC College | ?m | 12s | MC College | Dub Architects
More densification coming to 109 St.:

PERMIT_DATE November 10, 2016
PERMIT_NUMBER 171075618-006
JOB_CATEGORY Commercial Final
JOB_DESCRIPTION To contruct 15 Dwellings of Apartment Housing with 2 Convenience Retail Stores Use units (1 building, 3 Storeys with penthouse, 176.5 sq. m. of Commercial on main floor at grade, underground parkade).
BUILDING_TYPE Apartment Condos (315)
WORK_TYPE (01) New
This one is already well under way. Excavation is complete and foundation and footings are underway. I'm delighted to hear it will have some retail space. Hopefully the design is nicer than some other buildings recently built in that area.
Thanks @archited; I'm a bit behind on the construction goings-ons at the Ewe-of-Eh, I'll have to go check those out and maybe make some new threads.

Apparently there's a lot of new lowrise stuff going up in Parkdale around 112 Ave & 82 St. I've gotta go check that out too.

The Sakaw Terrace is an affordable seniors building that is scheduled to open in Edmonton in 2018.
GEF Seniors Housing, Credit

Mill Woods affordable housing set to open in 2018
Construction has started on an affordable seniors housing complex in southeast Edmonton.

An official groundbreaking was held in Mill Woods Tuesday morning for the $42-million Sakaw Terrace.

The building will have 150 suites – both apartments and lodge rooms – along with a commercial kitchen, two courtyards, a communal greenhouse, a salon, and a theatre room. It’s scheduled to be open in the fall of 2018 at Mill Woods Road and 58 Street.

Full Story (Global Edmonton)
Posting this here since it impacts Century Park as a whole.

Century Park is getting a new look
Rezoning open house and Park & Ride relocation planned

November 24, 2016

Residents are invited to an open house about the proposed rezoning of the Century Park site (former Heritage Mall area), next to the Century Park LRT station. An application has also been made to amend the Kaskitayo Outline Plan to allow the rezoning.

Date: Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Time: 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (drop-in anytime)
Location: Rideau Park School (Gymnasium),
10605 - 42 Avenue

The rezoning would update existing plans to allow more development flexibility, increase the residential density, and add a commercial main street. The open house is an opportunity to learn more about the proposal and provide feedback to the City and the applicant at this early stage in the review.

Park & Ride
The current free parking section is moving to a new, paved location at Century Park due to private landowner development on the existing free parking site. The new site holds the same number of free stalls as the existing free parking section. Features include: paved parking lot; paved walkway to bus transit centre and LRT station; installed light fixtures; CCTV security cameras; blue emergency help phone.

Transit Park & Ride customers are reminded the number of free stalls in the new section remains the same but free parking remains limited. Customers are encouraged to join the waitlist for a paid stall, carpool, arrive early, take a bus to the LRT station, or use free parking with express bus service from Lewis Farms bus transit centre (87 Ave. west of Anthony Henday Dr.) or the Davies Lot (86 St. & 61 Ave.).
For more information:

Media contacts:
Amber Medynski
Communications Advisor, Sustainable Development

Jennifer Laraway
Communications Advisor, Edmonton Transit System
Office: 780-496-5751
Mobile: 780-690-1605
