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The old bank
I just happened to go by and see this. I have mixed feelings. I would have preferred something else here, but this looks like it could be fairly nice.

In my opinion, it was really one of the nicest Scotiabank branches and it is too bad they closed it. However, it wasn't the closest one for me, so it, so it didn't affect me too much.
Because keeping all the buildings connected would be too practical, and my truck says I'm not allowed to do that; so I'm gonna shotgun blast buildings all over this parking lot!
Crap like this makes me nostalgic for 70s era strip malls, at least they were still a strip!
Disappointing, but entirely unsurprising.

On the note of Calgary Trail / Gateway Boulevard. It needs to be an absolute priority for the city to add sidewalks to the stretch between 51 Ave and Whyte Ave (ideally everywhere, but that stretch for absolute certain). Embarrassing.
But who on their right mind would walk down that sidewalk if built?
People who work in the area. People who don't have access to a car. People walking to grab lunch while working. Someone who takes transit which stops 500m from their destination who's maybe mobility challenged and can't properly navigate the complete lack of infrastructure there now. Etc, etc, etc.

It's the primary entrance to our city, it's an embarrassment.
People who work in the area. People who don't have access to a car. People walking to grab lunch while working. Someone who takes transit which stops 500m from their destination who's maybe mobility challenged and can't properly navigate the complete lack of infrastructure there now. Etc, etc, etc.

It's the primary entrance to our city, it's an embarrassment.
I wouldn't say not having a sidewalk is an embarrasment for a main entrance, considering it's a major aerterial road primarily suited to traffic flow. A sidewalk along a 5 lane road won't change people's perceptions of Edmonton, but developing a vacant lot with a higher and better use definitely would help.
I wouldn't say not having a sidewalk is an embarrasment for a main entrance, considering it's a major aerterial road primarily suited to traffic flow. A sidewalk along a 5 lane road won't change people's perceptions of Edmonton, but developing a vacant lot with a higher and better use definitely would help.
I would say that there is nothing about this that is befitting of a provincial capital's main entry point. A sidewalk would be the bare minimum to add. A no, not all of it is this bad of course, but enough of it is that it needs addressing. It's even less usable in the winter (including the 'nicer' parts between 34 ave and 51st for example, where the grass that is at least usable for able people in the summer becomes muddy snow).

Screen Shot 2022-07-27 at 7.45.42 PM.png

I 100% agree the lots should be developed better, but the city doesn't have much control over that. They do have control over the streetscape and can improve it.

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