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LRT Safety

The UK has traditionally been more conservative then Canada but most people in the UK got tired of the Cons reneging on their election promise to reform immigration policy and last election most conservatives didn't vote. This will change once the Cons - Reform hash out their differences. Starmer and Labour has been a disaster for the UK, a once proud country being turned into a Orwellian thought state with huge income gaps between metro London and the rest of the UK, massive immigration and crime issues, loss of productivity, falling GDP etc etc. The UK is what Canada will become if Liberals win next election.
What a complete load of B.S. And just a little help on the grammatical side... "then" is a time reference as in "that was then, this is now". The word that you should have employed was "than" which is a comparison reference as in "he is way smarter than you"
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I remember a time there were turnstiles at every downtown KRT station. Then somebody thought, hmmm we should get rid of those, why? They restricted who could enter the stations? They weren't inclusive?
Oh yeah and we talk about how effective our arc card system is, and how many fares are potentially lost or avoided? All in our little, yet growing city of 1.sometime million population.

Meanwhile, I'm sitting here in my hotel in Manila, Philippines pondering now my experiences with the LRT-1 here in Manila with their fare gated stations that feel very safe, funny nobody loitering about except for maybe me taking some LRT video clip for my vlog page, There may be some beggars leading up to a station or two but once in no worries about any of that and no substance abuse issues that I've seen so far. All in a city of around 14 million. Or also my recent experiences from just these past few days riding the trains around Tokyo, through their very clean and safe feeling fare gated stations where for now I'd consider gold standard what a train system should be, in again another city of 14 plus million population.

One thought comes to mind, both of these cities prioritize cleanliness and safety for their passengers, why has Edmonton forgotten that. Why are we making things harder on ourselves? What lessons can we learn from these massive train systems to implement at home? What would they say about our issues in Edmonton?
I remember this too and honestly I can't think of a really good reason that they got rid of the turnstiles and now it has come back to bite us.

There are reasons why so many other places in the world have fare gates and cleaner safer stations despite not being as well off as us. No we do not know better than them.
I'm not saying this is a good reason, but I remember they did away with the turnstiles because at that time, they had to have an attendant at every ticket booth, and the city no longer wanted to pay their salaries.

Technology has made that concern redundant.
I'm not saying this is a good reason, but I remember they did away with the turnstiles because at that time, they had to have an attendant at every ticket booth, and the city no longer wanted to pay their salaries.

Technology has made that concern redundant.
Exactly. They had a ticket booth with an attendant. Not sure about the fare gates though.
There were more holes in the original turnstiles than the current Oilers goaltending situation.

There were more holes in the original turnstiles than the current Oilers goaltending situation.

I believe the original set up didn't have turnstiles. You deposited your fare into a farebox either built into the attendants booth, or freestanding and proceed to get a transfer from a separate machine that would issue transfers on demand.
When they brought in POP there was two types of turnstiles. The two in this pictures are free-wheeling and used for passengers with passes or transfers. The ones on the other side of the attendants booth were for those paying fares with a coin and would issue a transfer after your passed through the turnstiles. It seems there were no turnstiles for exiting, besides, there was still the elevator which was always outside of the fare control zones at Central and Churchill, and probably Stadium. Under the initial POP system they placed components of the coin operated turnstiles near the elevators so that users could pay a coin fare and get a transfer, but there was no turnstile associated with it.
What a complete load of B.S. And just a little help on the grammatical side... "then" is a time reference as in "that was then, this is now". The word that you should have employed was "than" which is a comparison reference as in "he is way smarter than you"
Its not a load of BS (oops sorry archited, it's B.S - my bad - shouldn't archited be capitalized?) - the natural governing party of the UK has been the Conservatives - In 18 out of 28 general elections since 1918 the Conservative Party has won the most seats in the UK. Conservative support fell apart last election because many people who always vote for them didn't vote because they were upset because the Conservatives stated repeatedly that they would reform immigration but didn't do enough through two administrations to make their base happy. This is not BS - Keir Starmer won a majority because the Conservatives fractured into two parties (Cons and Reform) and many dissatisfied conservative voters didn't vote for anyone. Starmer is very unpopular and if the Cons get their act together by next election he is toast. People like you think you know everything - calling my reasonable post a "complete load of B.S." and then doing your little pretentious english lesson to correct my english on a forum post - get over yourself.
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I don't recall seeing this when I used BART many years ago and this looks more recent. What they had at the time was probably more similar to what we had years ago in the comparative picture.

Yes, ours had a lot of holes but things get upgraded and enhanced over time if you have the commitment to do so. If there is no commitment, you get what we have now which not something with holes, but one big hole.
Blind stupidity is one level below not-knowing stupidity.
Wow - now you are calling me stupid. What a surprise - another know-it-all lefty woke "educated" progressive lecturing me on my grammar, calling my thoughts "a load of B.S" and now telling me I'm "blindly stupid". Its interesting, I work with many UK nationals, both labour and conservative supporters, and they have given me many insights into why Labour won the last election and how the public in the UK feel about Starmer and the Labour party performance thus far. And what I posted earlier was based on these observations by my UK co-workers (and are much more civilized then you). But of course according to you I am "blindly stupid". All right then.
So you are dividing "lefty" from "righty"; using all the buzzwords like "woke" -- whatever the hell that means in real terms -- educated is a bad thing (seems like you could use some more "lernin'" there cowboy and you didn't even pick up on the grammar lesson I afforded you -- "then" vs. "than"
and are much more civilized then you
"and are much more civilized than you" -- again "than" compares two or more things; "then" is a time reference. If you are too stubborn to learn a simple thing like that, then I can see that your open-mindedness is smaller than your willingness to accept other viewpoints.
