Senior Member
Yes, Cliff is right. My experience last year was tainted by covid restrictions, but the foot traffic alone is much better from what I've experienced. Lots of people walk by, stop to ask a question or two, then leave. We wouldn't be able to plant that seed nearly as much at Old Strathcona; the foot traffic there is only moderately comparable on farmers market days, and even then it hasn't been great ever since they started keeping their north-facing doors shut. We keep track of "interactions" (not just sales) at that stop, and yesterday Cliff and I interacted with over 400 people.I would have introduced myself to you chaps but you were clearly busy. Looks like that Whyte Ave terminal is a big hit!
I'm so glad they want to ride it! You should come by on Saturdays if possible, because that's when our Museum at the old strathcona streetcar barn is open (10am–2pm), and it's free to go inside!Looks great, Me and my daughter's drove past on Saturday after coming back from the Alberta Railway Museum. They wanted to go for a street car ride so we will be back soon enough.
Any plans for anything else on the terminal site? Historical information signs? Temporary tent or building/shack for ticket sales/information?
I was suggesting to the ARM (Ab railway museum) they should get some pamphlets or something out to the street car area and vice versa to try a little bit of cross promotion.
Our Osaka 247 car is there on Saturdays and long weekends (including today), and it has info boards that talk about the original ERR, the society, and the streetcars on the HLB line. Tickets can also be sold from inside there on rainy days when it's not ideal to have a table set up on the platform. We don't have it there on the other days, since ticket sellers/outreach volunteers aren't there to watch it.
As for longer term plans, the city owns the replica C&E railway station, and in the past they flirted with the idea of relocating it to the parking lot where the used car dealership is (right next to the Whyte Ave platform). But that was pre-covid, and those were just high level ideas being tossed around. If they did move it, the ERRS wants to move its museum there so that they can add a fourth track to the barn. But they're not banking on that happening, let alone in the next decade. Beyond that, I'm not sure what they have in mind.