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General Infill Discussion

I still would love to see this one move forward.


This project is proposed for Bellamy Hill in downtown Edmonton, and consists of 75 residential units.

The tower of the building is twisted and stepped to create a varied profile and to take advantage of the river views to the east. Units are clustered into 3-storey volumes, which give the tower an identifiable scale – similar to a house.

Individual units are designed around a three-seasons balcony that can be closed off from the exterior to extend usability during the spring and fall months.

South facing units are glazed to utilize passive solar heating with operable screens to control overheating. North facing stairs and corridors are glazed to take advantage of natural light, but are not heated and act as a thermal buffer between the outdoors and the heated individual units. Visibility of interior doors and corridors from the street will animate the building from the exterior.

Screenshot 2024-11-06 at 5.20.25 PM.png

View attachment 610165
Zoning changes proposed to align with the Valley Line. Interesting that there isn't more high-rise mixed use near WEM.
I got some insight from talking with a planner.

Essentially they were tasked with identifying a handful of priority growth areas from the larger list of like 19(?) in the city plan.

WEM wasn’t selected as most lots around it are irregularly shaped lot in culdesac heavy neighborhoods, which have low redevelopment potential. And WEM itself is a singular, large, land owner. So a large rezoning could be seen as favouring them. Or any sort of larger project they’d actually still prefer DC2 zoning to customize more than say rm23. (Riocan jasper gates is a good example of that. They’re leaving as DC2 to allow more of a masterplanned approach for the entire parcel)

The land south of Misecordia, same thing. Maclab owns that one large chunk. City wants them to redevelop with a master plan. So no need for the blanket rm upzoning.

156/Stony were identified as better focuses due to grid, age of homes, more landowners, need for infill (vacant lots), etc.
I got some insight from talking with a planner.

Essentially they were tasked with identifying a handful of priority growth areas from the larger list of like 19(?) in the city plan.

WEM wasn’t selected as most lots around it are irregularly shaped lot in culdesac heavy neighborhoods, which have low redevelopment potential. And WEM itself is a singular, large, land owner. So a large rezoning could be seen as favouring them. Or any sort of larger project they’d actually still prefer DC2 zoning to customize more than say rm23. (Riocan jasper gates is a good example of that. They’re leaving as DC2 to allow more of a masterplanned approach for the entire parcel)

The land south of Misecordia, same thing. Maclab owns that one large chunk. City wants them to redevelop with a master plan. So no need for the blanket rm upzoning.

156/Stony were identified as better focuses due to grid, age of homes, more landowners, need for infill (vacant lots), etc.
Maclab Owns the Massive Townhomes Site?
That could be BIG
7 infill rezoning applications going to Council tomorrow:

➡️ Gorman: rezoning from the Agriculture Zone (AG) and the Future Urban Development Zone (FD) to the Natural Areas Zone (NA), Public Utility (PU), Small Scale Flex Residential Zone (RSF) and the Medium Scale Residential Zone (RM h16.0) to allow for natural area preservation, public utilities, and small scale and medium scale housing.

➡️ Belvedere: rezoning from a Direct Control Zone (DC2.294) to the Business Employment Zone (BE) to allow for light industrial and small commercial businesses.

➡️ Central McDougall: rezoning from a Direct Control Zone (DC2.1221) to the Medium Scale Residential Zone (RM h16.0) to allow for medium scale housing.

➡️ Britannia Youngstown: rezoning from a Direct Control Zone (DC2.913) to the Medium Scale Residential Zone (RM h28.0) to allow for medium scale housing.

➡️ Garneau: rezoning from the Small Scale Residential Zone (RS) to the Medium Scale Residential Zone (RM h16.0) to allow for medium scale housing.

➡️ Strathcona: rezoning from the Parks and Services Zone (PS) to the Mixed Use Zone (MU h30.0 f5.5) to allow for medium scale mixed use development.

➡️ Rampart Industrial: rezoning from the Medium Industrial Zone (IM) to the Urban Facilities Zone (UF) to allow for large scale facilities that provide community services (postponed from the Dec 9, 2024 public hearing).
