Not too sure! StatsCan might have estimates by CMA but the City probably has its own statistics crew in charge of this as well.
All I know is if this rate continues, and increases (which I’m honestly a bit confident of, just based on migration trends, I’m assuming we’ll have a base of 20-25k international migrants, 5-10k interprovincial migrants, 2-5k intraprovincial migrants and 5-10k natural increase ) Edmonton will add almost 200,000 people in the span of four years.
That’s absolutely bananas.
And before anyone says I’m just pulling numbers out of thin air, I’m basing it off these StatsCan estimates.
I’d argue that international migration would be the most stable out of all these categories (almost all of whom move into multifamily rentals, it’s very rare in my experience for new immigrants to immediately buy property, and I can state that from my own family’s transition from rental to SFH housing)