Wadhurst Townhomes | 11.75m | ?s

What's uniquely a factor in these high priced townhomes (priced this high because of the neighbourhood), is that you have a huge kitchen and dining room floor to almost ceiling window with a close up view of power lines, concrete, cars and industrial garbage bins.

Luckily there's a lot of good restaurants nearby to eat out.
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Like in any city or housing decision making; that's normal and not likely intended for the 65+ crowd, but rather the affluent 45-55 crowd.
I suppose if you are affluent you may be able to afford to have a stair lift installed later, but if you are 55 or close to that you may be looking ahead and thinking about how the place will meet your needs in 10 or 20 years.

So it wouldn't be a bad idea if the people who make decisions on this and design these places also consider that too.
Went by and love the west view/area, but the back is not good and location kinda awkward overall.

Would love to see the planned phase 2 turned into 450-650k priced townhomes more like what we see in blatchford. Lacking that price point in the area.

Anyone know what the land was bought for? Surely that’s feasibly with 5-8 units to make the economics work?
I believe it was four lots (definitely not more than that) and the last one to sell was the biggest - it went for about $525k, I think.
My guess is the entire property sold for less than $2 million + demolition and asbestos and tree removal.

This project ended up to be a misfire for Cantiro. Clearly they overestimated how much they could get for a townhome here.

The second half of the project has been removed from their website.

I'm sure the area residents who fought this development are very unimpressed.

I like this project but I did not think the townhomes were going to start out at 800s into more than a million.
They did drop price to 699 of the least desirable unit and that did sell - probably for less.
Hopefully someone buys it and builds a small apartment. Rezoning will need to occur for anything that isn't row rousing.

Here is the old aerial photo.
