Wadhurst Townhomes | 11.75m | ?s


According to their website, there are 6 townhomes available January 2024. So far none are sold - one is on hold (has been for months) and one will be show home.

The other 5 townhomes haven't started construction yet. None of those have sold yet either. Prices and unit sizes in link below.

More like $650,000.00, but who's counting.

1600sqft on avg. * 400.

They do have 2 outdoor patios of 145 and 140 sqft, but yes, a rooftop would be more attractive and useable.
I also feel that they should have offered at least a unit or two that had more livable space instead of a garage. This location is literally 50m from the new 124st LRT stop and has everything on the doorstep.
Except for that price point your buyer is going to likely have 2 cars (probably a more seasonal one) and 'gear'.

I would argue that the mistake the developer made here might be not building something that fits with the location. If you’re a buyer with two cars and ‘gear’ why would you pay extra to be central? No wonder no one is buying units here.
They should have built something that reflects the fact you could easily live a car-lite (or car free) lifestyle in this location. Not everyone who has money wants two cars, sorry Ian. Your car bias might be showing through a bit here.
Maybe they could have built something that had a range of units including some smaller ones with no parking (not sure how flexible the zoning was here, granted). I realize larger units with no parking are still a hard sell in Edmonton but hopefully that will change one day.
More like $650,000.00, but who's counting.

1600sqft on avg. * 400.

They do have 2 outdoor patios of 145 and 140 sqft, but yes, a rooftop would be more attractive and useable.

The price the market is willing to pay for < 3 story infill is going to need to go up, or we are going to see a pull back on new projects.

With the land prices in this general area, and the "new normal" for construction prices on new builds, I have no clue how you can build something with good quality exterior/interior finishes and make money for a unit this size at $650,000
