Valley Line LRT/ Valley Line West | ?m | ?s | City of Edmonton

Work on Lewis farms stop and the area around it is progressing well. The tracks bed is being dug out and station piles have been completed.




Guideway is ready for gantry to start work west of WEM station.

For the record, this is what Gunter said:

"Sources inside city hall have told me that administration will admit to council this fall that the western leg will not be completed by 2028, as planned, but rather 2030 at the earliest."
For the record, this is what Gunter said:

"Sources inside city hall have told me that administration will admit to council this fall that the western leg will not be completed by 2028, as planned, but rather 2030 at the earliest."
I don’t see but who knows what issues they are dealing with.
I’m curious to see if they release some sort of rationale behind this estimate. From my perspective progress seems to be moving along somewhat on schedule. Even Transed, with all their construction delays, still managed to finish the actual construction of the valley line by the end of 2021 (5 years of construction). If I look at the west line, track is already being laid on multiple parts of the project (stony plain road and 182-189 street on 87 ave). Perhaps they believe commissioning and integration with the southeast leg will take longer than 1 year? But then again who knows if Lorne Gunter is actually being truthful
I haven’t heard much in a while, but last I had heard they were at or ahead of schedule, the weather the last year has also been as relatively ideal as it could for construction in Edmonton. It would be pretty shocking if all of a sudden there was a 2 year delay. The only thing I could think of would be structural issues on one of the bridges or elevated sections again.
Well if the Sun said it, especially if it came from the conspiracy theorist extraordinnaire Gunther, then it must be TRUE! 😉
Please also remember that I said this…as a member of the citizen working group for the project who has access to the comms leads for the project…

They won’t disclose details. But I mentioned a few months back that there were major delays and a bunch of people on here laughed at it.

Guess we’ll keep waiting and seeing. But they’re behind for sure. Gunther is happy to share it I’m sure, but doesn’t mean he’s lying.
