The Hudson | 108m | 33s | Westrich Pacific | J+S Architect

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I think their decision on parking makes sense, with that parkade already being right beside the building. I do hope that the two property owners can work out a deal where residents of Hudson Tower (this project) can get a pass for free parking :)
@Platinum107 I think setting aside a handful of spots that can be rented or purchased by residents makes much more sense from a supply/demand and from a financial perspective.
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@davcocom EDC only deals with design aspects; what actually can be built is determined by the underlying zoning. A Development Officer can grant some variances, but a substantial increase in height as this would require is not one of them.
C.1. 10040 103 Street (Development Permit)
Jeff Shen - JS Architect

Motion of Non-support

While the Committee supports this type of development in this location, the
Committee is concerned with the number of variances being sought to accommodate
the proposed design.

The Committee acknowledges the effort of the Applicant to design a tower that
creatively addresses the site constraints; however, the Committee is very concerned
about the lack of refinement - and information - regarding the public realm and the
public realm interface, including but not limited to streetscaping, street tree
planting, canopies, site furnishings and facade treatment. Further resolution of the
design, along with a clear articulation of how the project addresses the EDC
Principles of Urban Design, should be the focus of the Applicant’s future interaction
with the Committee.

In addition, the Committee notes that the project would have benefitted from an
informal presentation to EDC. The Committee also recommends that the Applicant
consider pursuing Direct Control rezoning to achieve the ambitions of the project
while addressing the concerns noted above and the uniqueness of this site.


They seem to be gambling on using the conventional zone and hoping the Development Officer will grant the variances they are requesting. I don't know, there's only so much you can push until the City either refuses the application by not granting some of the variances or someone appeals it to the SDAB. They should just rezone it imo.
I joined the Downtown Edmonton Community League presentation for this development and here are some of the images that were shared there. Basically the updated podium:


The tower was always interesting; the upgrade to a more playful podium and the de-emphasis of the parking structure has caused me to boost my rating to the top rung. The imaginative use of lighting (if it persists to the final build-out) is also a huge plus. This might be the most exciting part of 104th street in the final analysis.
^ "the de-emphasis of the parking structure"
I might be mistaken @archited but is this not the first rendering we've seen of the 104th street side (3 storey) parkade? I thought the animated Zebra parkade is on the east side, 103 street and 4 storeys.
I agree with you that the podium upgrade is really good as is the lighting, the tower is interesting. Really liking this project.
Yes the Zebra herd is on t'other side - @Kaizen - I am only referring to the entry reduction to parking on the west side. With the addition of Retail/Hospitality CRUs on 104th this really helps improve the walk-ability of the street. This has the potential of being one of Edmonton's better mixed use projects -- I really like it!
