Stantec Tower | 250.84m | 66s | ICE District Prop.

What do you think of this project?

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Jan. 16 - SOON



  • P1160254.jpg
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It's actually mind blowing to stand down there right now. I went to look and walk around the area and just stood there with my jaw agape. The fact that the buildings aren't glazed almost makes them look taller than they are in person. The photos do not do it justice. Stantec's podium is absolutely massive and you feel totally small standing next to it. I'd even call it imposing... so cool. I'm beyond excited to see the district grow. Taking a gaze over to the Baccarat and Epcor... that gap desperately needs to be filled. I know that there are plans for towers on the Baccarat site, but it would completely transform that site in such a way that we'd almost have a shot at competing with Calgary. The general emptiness of Stationlands is also pretty glaring so it will be exciting to see that get filled in if it ever does. Our downtown has so much potential to transform into something incredible.
it'll be fun to see the shell of this building reach the top of the other modestly high buildings downtown....then keep going!! can't wait for this to happen!
So would this be the pinstripe glazing on the slim side of the tower? It's hard to tell where those vertical white mullions end in the rendering of the south side.
