South Edmonton Hospital & Health Campus | ?m | ?s | Province of Alberta

So, Oil & Gas and Industrial Services worker here... If you're concerned with people reducing the UCP supporters to uneducated hillbilies, you shouldn't be doing the same thing to everyone who supported Notley and NDP. I have an "I love Oil & Gas" sticker right next to my Notley sticker in my car, and being on the finance side of the industry, I understand quite well how much the Notley government did for the industry, rather than destroying it.

Realistically, we all know not all UCP supporters fall into that category, and you're right, a lot of people, especially in rural AB, have reasons to vote UCP. Most of these people are voting UCP because they want their subsidies kept, don't want to see money go to the major cities or to policies that they feel are "too progressive", etc (and some of this is largely due to a lack of education on how a lot of these policies could actually benefit them).

The major issue is that these people have a disproportionate amount of representative power in the provincial government. We have rural MLAs that represent only a fraction of the amount of people an MLA in Calgary or Edmonton does, and this ends up skewing the balance of power towards the UCP and, more specifically, towards the fringe, nutjob side of the party (the Danielle Smith's of the world).
Well said
So my comment about Smith's stupid response stands. It is politically logical, but still dumb. And btw that comment did not call her supporters stupid, so attacking urban educated people in response was uncalled for.

However, I suppose it creates a handy distraction as the question about them realizing how stupid she is, was actually not answered, which educated people may notice.
So my comment about Smith's stupid response stands. It is politically logical, but still dumb. And btw that comment did not call her supporters stupid, so attacking urban educated people in response was uncalled for.

However, I suppose it creates a handy distraction as the question about them realizing how stupid she is, was actually not answered, which educated people may notice.
Danielle Smith is not "stupid" and most people who voted for her are not "uneducated". Premier Smith might have different views then you but your response to call her stupid and then insinuate her followers are idiots for not realizing how stupid she must be is a very nasty comment - so I called you out on it. Also, what does "educated people" mean? Does that mean you went to a university and got a degree? Do people who go to universities automatically get "educated" status and this means they are smarter then a farmer? Are they smarter than the person who fixes my car?
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Guess who just made my Ignore list?
Fine by me - its enlightening to read some of the elitist snobbish and boorish commentary from some people here. I am smart enough to know not to judge people on their political views. I also know that going to university does not equate to being smart and "educated". When I saw the hillbilly comment it needed to be called out and that's what I did. I am not surprised by the response from some people - its interesting how many people think they are "educated" and "progressive" and "tolerant" but actually they are the opposite - the funny thing is they are so convinced by their moral superiority they don't even realize they are bigots.
Her supporters are in-bred "Billies" of central AB. I had a conversation the other day with one of her staunch supporters who hails from Drayton Valley - "Hillbilly" capital of the province. Me, "why do you support her?" Him, "Cause she is way hotter than Notley. Notley tried to kill the oil business." Which subsequently is Drayton's ONLY source of employment.
This is such an interesting post - comparing UCP supporters with "In-bred Billies of central AB". Lots of hard working intelligent people from central Alberta - oh I get it - they are "hillbillies". According to the dictionary a hillbilly is a "an unsophisticated country person, as associated originally with the remote regions of the Appalachians." Of course the Appalachia is a beautiful and culturally/ historically significant area which is famous for music, literature, food and many other important contributions to North American culture. Also, hard working people in Appalachia have historically been treated unfairly and disrespectfully by the more "educated" city folk from New York, Philadelphia, Washington DC etc. The coal mining industry in the Appalachia helped to power the American Industrial Revolution and was a significant factor in improving the infrastructure and living standards for the whole country. Also ... the music.... such great music. But, they are "in-bred" and uneducated rural folks. Good one MacLac - you seem really enlightened.
Danielle Smith is not "stupid" and most people who voted for her are not "uneducated". Premier Smith might have different views then you but your response to call her stupid and then insinuate her followers are idiots for not realizing how stupid she must be is a very nasty comment - so I called you out on it. Also, what does "educated people" mean? Does that mean you went to a university and got a degree? Do people who go to universities automatically get "educated" status and this means they are smarter then a farmer? Are they smarter than the person who fixes my car?
Saying that people in South Edmonton should use a hospital in freaking Red Deer IS STUPID. Sorry, but no one in their right mind would disagree with this.

Implying that because Red Deer is growing a lot they need a hospital, but ignoring that Edmonton CMA grew by the equivalent of 7 1/2 Red Deers since it last got a hospital IS STUPID.

Ignoring their own polls on what the people who she's supposed to represent, just to advance her own agenda is not just stupid, but it's dishonest and disrespectful.

Danielle Smith is probably the worst premier in Canada right now (and hell, ON has Doug Ford, for crying out loud), and possibly the worst in AB history. She's a serial liar, she makes stupid comments and has absolutely no grasp on reality. And that's HER AND HER CABINET, because she chose the same kind of deranged individuals to be there with her. I'd be here saying the same thing if she was from the NDP or the Liberals, because it is intrinsically an assessment of HER.

As for the whole educated/uneducated issue, I'll say one thing: most people have ZERO political education, and are easily swayed by a discourse that is often composed of lies and things taken out of context. I'll go back, here, to Oil & Gas: Notley did more for the industry than Smith, and even than Kenney (considering the debacle of the Keystone XL pipeline). Yet you'll see people, especially from rural AB, who will die on the hill that she tried killing the industry and whatnot (you implied it yourself, actually). And again, I am IN the industry, so are my coworkers, and after looking a little bit deeper than just political campaigns, most of them understood the reality.

You don't need formal education to be intelligent, some of the smartest people I know barely finished high school. But you gotta be willing to learn, to ACTUALLY educate yourself with FACTS, not just whatever is fed to you by a handful of media outlets that clearly have their own agenda, and ever worse, politicians.

I also love how you simply ignored my previous comment, although it does address a lot of what you said. Is it because your mind cannot conceive an O&G person in AB who's not a deranged UCP supporter?
Saying that people in South Edmonton should use a hospital in freaking Red Deer IS STUPID. Sorry, but no one in their right mind would disagree with this.

Implying that because Red Deer is growing a lot they need a hospital, but ignoring that Edmonton CMA grew by the equivalent of 7 1/2 Red Deers since it last got a hospital IS STUPID.

Ignoring their own polls on what the people who she's supposed to represent, just to advance her own agenda is not just stupid, but it's dishonest and disrespectful.

Danielle Smith is probably the worst premier in Canada right now (and hell, ON has Doug Ford, for crying out loud), and possibly the worst in AB history. She's a serial liar, she makes stupid comments and has absolutely no grasp on reality. And that's HER AND HER CABINET, because she chose the same kind of deranged individuals to be there with her. I'd be here saying the same thing if she was from the NDP or the Liberals, because it is intrinsically an assessment of HER.

As for the whole educated/uneducated issue, I'll say one thing: most people have ZERO political education, and are easily swayed by a discourse that is often composed of lies and things taken out of context. I'll go back, here, to Oil & Gas: Notley did more for the industry than Smith, and even than Kenney (considering the debacle of the Keystone XL pipeline). Yet you'll see people, especially from rural AB, who will die on the hill that she tried killing the industry and whatnot (you implied it yourself, actually). And again, I am IN the industry, so are my coworkers, and after looking a little bit deeper than just political campaigns, most of them understood the reality.

You don't need formal education to be intelligent, some of the smartest people I know barely finished high school. But you gotta be willing to learn, to ACTUALLY educate yourself with FACTS, not just whatever is fed to you by a handful of media outlets that clearly have their own agenda, and ever worse, politicians.

I also love how you simply ignored my previous comment, although it does address a lot of what you said. Is it because your mind cannot conceive an O&G person in AB who's not a deranged UCP supporter?
I stand by my posts. Some people on this space are elitist snobs who look down at UCP supporters and make crude generalizations and boorish bigoted comments. It's ironic how these people walk around believing they are tolerant and "progressive" (a laughable misnomer) and yet are actually quite bigoted and intolerant and shockingly uneducated about rural people and their way of life. I felt this needed to be pointed out - so I pointed it out.
uneducated about rural people and their way of life
You'd actually be surprised. Also, who seems very uneducated about their way of life, their needs and desires is the premier and her government.

They keep doing whatever the hell they feel like with no regard for the people who voted them in, jus assuming they'll keep voting blue because these folks are so hooked by the UCP's lies that they'll believe in the big bad commie wolf bs they're told every single time.
I'm a rural Albertan who works in mining. Are my bona-fides in order to be allowed to think that because the UCP is actively harming citizens in the Edmonton area that I can side-eye their supporters?
If the justification for not building a needed hospital is the belief that some educated people there look down on you, that seems very petty and mean spirited. But then current provincial government is led by petty and mean spirited people, so I guess at least it is consistent.

However, lets not forget many people in northern and central Alberta also rely on specialized medical care only available in larger places like Edmonton. So creating a health care crisis here may be very short sighted and not in the interest of rural Albertans either.
If the justification for not building a needed hospital is the belief that some educated people there look down on you, that seems very petty and mean spirited. But then current provincial government is led by petty and mean spirited people, so I guess at least it is consistent.

However, lets not forget many people in northern and central Alberta also rely on specialized medical care only available in larger places like Edmonton. So creating a health care crisis here may be very short sighted and not in the interest of rural Albertans either.


Edmonton is a hub for many many medical services and needs to have the extra capacity to help people from these rural northern areas who come down for specialized care, intensive care, etc.

It doesn't matter whether you like to vote for the UCP or NDP or whatever party. Edmonton NEEDS another hospital, and the decision to not build it just makes no logical sense. If any of you have a genuine defense to the government's decision please respond to this because I'm curious.
