Manulife Place Renovations | 145.99m | 36s | AIMCo | MdeAS

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I'm not sure the construction hoarding is making safety better, I feel it might actually be making it worse, as it is hard to see around and get around.

In any event, I noticed it also took quite a long time to finish the escalator upgrades on the other side of this building which doesn't have such issues, so I'm not sure it really has much to do with that.

I would say having more people downtown recently has certainly made such problems less noticeable when it is busy and might have even driven some of it away.
or it may simply be supply chain issues… elevators and escalators and their components are still one of the most restrictive segments out there.
That is true...
I recalled a conversation with an elevator technician from local 101 (elevator's union) where he stated that there is a monopoly in this industry as there are only a few companies that produce them world wide. True or not, I can't confirm, but I have to take his words for it. If you are nasty to them, it takes longer...
Covid is done, restrictions should be gone and supply chain issues should be a thing of the past.
There are still plenty of supply-chain issues.
Agreed most of my projects have very long lead times. Air Handling units used to be 12 weeks. now they can be 30 or more. I had some VFDs that were promised last Dec but will now be delivered by the End of June. And Emergency generators were at 50 weeks. Its not the big stuff but small components that are not available so most of the products I need do not get shipped until every part is there.
Noticed some activity in front of the much anticipated Ace Coffee today, maybe the coming soon sign is finally correct.

Also noticed the McDonalds signs for the seemingly abandoned location in Commerce place are finally gone.

The McDonalds has been boarded up. I wonder what will happen to that space?


