HSBC Bank Place Revitalization | 74m | 18s | AIMCo | DIALOG

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I guess there will be another RBC in the financial district. There's already a RBC location at ECC and another in the COE Tower.

Major Development Permit
Reference Id: Job No 496127141-002
Description: To operate a Food and Drink Service and to construct interior alterations (ground floor cafe)
Location: 10250 - 101 STREET NW
Plan 2137RS Blk 1 Lot F
Applicant: BOXER
Status: No DP Required
Create Date: 2024/01/08
Neighbourhood: DOWNTOWN
Class Of Permit: No Development Permit Required
Major Development Permit
Reference Id: Job No 496127141-002
Description: To operate a Food and Drink Service and to construct interior alterations (ground floor cafe)
Location: 10250 - 101 STREET NW
Plan 2137RS Blk 1 Lot F
Applicant: BOXER
Status: No DP Required
Create Date: 2024/01/08
Neighbourhood: DOWNTOWN
Class Of Permit: No Development Permit Required
Been waiting on this one! Will be a great addition
I assume this is the location for the new cafe

