Falcon Towers | 170m | 44s | Langham Developments | Arc Studio

What do you think of this project?

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Yes! A pit like this will take roughly 8+ months. You must understand that there are no prefabbed forms for parkades as they are so distinctly in their own rights, so carpenters form as they go which requires acute times to do. Once a tower surpasses the podium- which also requires acutely forming- they will then speed up to turbo drive as they can use the same forms (fly-forms) repetitively saving tremendous time from having to cut timber and ply-sheets to form for a one-time usage like underground and podium required.
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The second tower will already be the third tallest in Edmonton
As proposed originally at ~144m, it would not be the third tallest as it would be just shy of Manulife's 146M height. However, I see it being decreased in height like what happened with Tower 1, which will now be 98.4m and 30 storeys tall.
It is good thing. I'm not against using stucco and their built form is not horrible, but I don't care for cheaper look right in the CBD core as how they have done so far. Something like this should not exceed 35 floors. If you dare go high, you are stating, "look at me", so you better put on lipstick...
What they failed to mention was that "in the new year" means December 2023 on their project roadmap. Lol.

Excited to see how they excavate and build up the tower 2 parkade while they continue the vertical buildout of tower 1.
