Bonnie Doon Mall Redevelopment | ?m | ?s

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It is great to see these one-time malls with HUGE surface parking lots turned into regional City Centres. It looks as though Morguard is taking all the right steps and proposing all the right amenities. I am impressed with the proposal so far.
Next (and presumably final) open house before the rezoning goes to Council:

Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Time: 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Location: La Cité Francophone, 8627-91 Street NW (rue Marie-Anne Gaboury)
More information:
Share your thoughts on Bonnie Doon Mall proposed rezoning revisions
October 10, 2018

Edmontonians are invited to a drop-in engagement session about revisions to the proposed rezoning of the Bonnie Doon Mall shopping centre located at the northwest corner of 82 Avenue and 83 Street.

Date: Wednesday, October 17
Time: 5 – 8 p.m. (drop in, no scheduled presentation)
Location: La Cité Francophone, 8627 91 Street (rue Marie-Anne Gaboury)

The proposed rezoning from a (DC2) Site Specific Development Control Provision and (RA7) Low Rise Apartment Zone to a new (DC2) Site Specific Development Control Provision would facilitate a major redevelopment of the site into a mixed-use, transit-oriented development consisting of:
  • A mix of row housing, mid-rise, and high-rise development with up to 4,000 units (revised from 6,000)
  • Retail, office, and other commercial space up to 140,000 m2 (revised from 93,000 m2)
  • Publicly-accessible parks and open space
  • Underground parking
  • New streets throughout the site, including bicycle lanes and pedestrian priority
  • Connections to the Bonnie Doon LRT stop
The session will be an opportunity to learn more about what’s changed since the initial proposal in May 2018, and provide your feedback to the City and applicant. Feedback received will be used to inform discussions with the applicant about potential revisions to the proposed rezoning. Feedback will be summarized in a report to City Council when the proposed rezoning goes to Public Hearing for a decision.

For more information:

Media contact:
Karen Burgess
Communications Advisor
Urban Form & Corporate Strategic Development
The beans, they are spilled!



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Holy Crap! I didn't know they were build THAT MANY towers here? I guess they are very confident that it's gonna fill up....

I really hope that the buildings and townhouses have a bit of big city flare to them. with more developments like these, Edmonton is really becoming more like a Vancouver or Toronto, which is a generally good thing in my opinion. Now, if they could just make plans to build the LRT out to the airport...
@Platinum107, this is a plan that will get built out over 30-40 years so I am sure that the developers are more confident than not that it will fill up. It is a plan that will no doubt self-amend over time. It is a place-marker -- a starting point for general discussion and community input. Although I have no better information than what we see here, I expect that the build-out will start at the Whyte Avenue end and with adjacencies to the Transit Station. In my opinion that is where I would look to see the first true architectural design.
Looks like something out of Vancouver conceptually. Then again, so do the renders for Century Park.

Someone remind me to check on this thread again in 15 years.
