Blatchford Development | ?m | ?s | City of Edmonton

New post on Instagram. Hopefully starting soon.
Who knew lveson was still Mayor of YEG? Story is a few years old……
The story that is linked there is from yesterday, but Global Edmonton seems to be actively trying to make their audience less informed by imbedding years old videos without telling their audience that those videos are years old. If you watch all the videos and know some are years old, it is clear that Cartmell has wanted to blow up all the plans from the start and has been undermining confidence in the project all along. Frankly, I'm surprised some of the bigger builders (Landmark, Qualico) are jumping on board with Blatchford when you've got a councillor trumpeting his plans to steer the ship in another direction every 3-6 months. Good for them!

Some of the "facts" in this story are also years old. The first 11 families moved in last May? That number is years behind the truth... Sigh...

Has Councillor Cartmell even bothered to look at where things are at? Does he know ground has been broken on about 50 townhomes in 2024? And that Crimson Cove just announced a 94 unit mixed use building, which they refer to as their first of 3 mixed use (which I believe are in addition to another 4-6 storey project administration hinted at a month or so ago)? Yes, let's get even more momentum going, but you don't do that by undermining consumer and investor confidence at every turn.
I was there today and the area is definitely coming along nicely. I like how the housing units are getting closer and closer to the Lake. I also like how the houses are filling up the lots along airport road. I noticed a few pick up trucks out in the middle of the fields somewhat closer to the LRT station.
“Currently developed” feels a bit weird when many of the medium density plots haven’t been touched yet. But I’m assuming this is just the city’s part being done? Probably 3 years till what’s currently called “developed” is actually built out.
They explain the terms here
I'd live there just cause the Growlery is there. Biked around a few weeks ago, what's been built is good but they got so much more to go, decades. Based on market demand only for townhouses in North Central Edmonton it will take a long time.

Also what a colossal waste of money to build an LRT station where development won't be for 20-30 years. I don't get it.
I'd live there just cause the Growlery is there. Biked around a few weeks ago, what's been built is good but they got so much more to go, decades. Based on market demand only for townhouses in North Central Edmonton it will take a long time.

Also what a colossal waste of money to build an LRT station where development won't be for 20-30 years. I don't get it.
Westwood is just across street. I do think that development should be focused along the tracks first, but building infrastructure like this before homes makes much more sense than the other way around.

I don't agree that it's a waste of money.
