Developer: Regency Developments
Architect: DER + Associates Architecture
Address: 10511 122 Street NW, Edmonton
Category: Residential
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 10 storeys
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121 West | ?m | 10s | Regency Developments | DER + Associates

What do you think of this project?

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I think the price point, 124st and brewery district on doorstep helped.

I have 2 friends living here. Both went for price. They all want to be in macleran, but 2k or more a month is steep in you're still in school or not making over 50k yet
I think the price point, 124st and brewery district on doorstep helped.

I have 2 friends living here. Both went for price. They all want to be in macleran, but 2k or more a month is steep in you're still in school or not making over 50k yet
2k is steep even at 50k. That works out to around 50% of your gross income on a bi weekly pay schedule.
2k is steep even at 50k. That works out to around 50% of your gross income on a bi weekly pay schedule.
Yeah, I'd be struggling to pay that if I was only making $50,000/year. Maybe if I split that rent with a partner, then it would be more palatable, but still quite high relative to average rents in Oliver and Downtown.
Yeah, I'd be struggling to pay that if I was only making $50,000/year. Maybe if I split that rent with a partner, then it would be more palatable, but still quite high relative to average rents in Oliver and Downtown.
Sorry, yeah, 2k is a 2bdrm, so im assuming a partner or roommate. So 1k, which is a bit under 30% of take home.
When I first saw this proposal, I thought that courtyard was gonna be an amenity space... what a fail. I’m glad how many affordable units this has added to the area, but the final product is just awful...

For comparison, the place I lived in Dublin that I thought this courtyard would be like... 🤣

Okay, just hear me out guys...

If the courtyard was actually an amenity space and not a concrete parking lot, I don't think this project would be nearly as much of a fail as it is. Yes the exterior design isn't great by any measure, but it adds awesome density to the area, will have many potential riders of the future LRT line a block away, and attract more commercial opportunities to the area. If the parking lot is converted in the future I don't think my opinion would even be that negative.
Yes... I have a feeling it was "We have four colors of paneling and some brick..., well we'll make it work." I was thinking about making a seinfeld mr steinbrenner meme, but thats too much effort for this.

Don't worry now that its complete its off my list of developments to take pictures of.
