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Downtown Real Estate

Orange - U/C
Green - residential proposed or approved
Blue/green - mixed use proposed or approved
Pink - key redevelopment/surface lots
Military Green - new parks u/c or about to be

Screen Shot 2022-01-21 at 8.21.33 AM.png
Just a suggestion, Ian... when you snapz an image to then post on Skyrise you might look to increase the pixel count so that your images aren't so blurry -- the blurriness detracts from the message that you are trying to convey.
Just a suggestion, Ian... when you snapz an image to then post on Skyrise you might look to increase the pixel count so that your images aren't so blurry -- the blurriness detracts from the message that you are trying to convey.

Everything is still legible, doesn't seem like that big of a deal if it's a little blurry imo.
dumb question; is sublease bad for the market, so we want less, or do we want more, or what? i don't get what the significance of this is.
It's basically 'subletting' commercial space. For example, say Stantec signed a lease for 100,000 sq. ft. of space in an office tower for 10 years, but they found 'efficiencies' and only need 50,000 of that. Instead of paying to have half of their space empty, they can choose to sublease that space in order to make some cash to cover that space that would've been empty otherwise.
Subleases are not ideal for it means contraction of the prime or head lease, but when we have sublease and need to find tenants for that space having some velocity and transactions taking place is a very positive thing (as above).

Ideally we will see the head lease tenant take that sublet space back to expand themselves and those former sublease tenants take their own spaces there by expanding demand for overall space and eventually leading to new supply.
