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Downtown Real Estate

So where should they be moved to? Ottawa, Ukraine or maybe somewhere closer like St Albert?
The city appears to finally be prioritizing decentralization of social services which in my opinion is a good thing for a city like Edmonton. As Yeggers said, society appears to be moving back towards mandatory institutionalization for vulnerable populations who require it - a good thing for them, a good thing for the community, a bad thing for drug dealers and those who prey on the unhomed, traumatized and mentally ill.

Another tier will be those in need of housing. Back in 2015 I honestly don't know how I held onto my condo as I got laid off for nearly a year immediately after buying my place. I was using credit cards to make payments, picking bottles, and would have taken the first job that came my way. I was probably 6 months away from being homeless and though I re-educated and am doing quite well now, I know full well how it feels to be on the brink like so many people are. They in my opinion, have an inalienable right for society to house them so they don't end up on the streets because of circumstances beyond their control. MANY of the homeless are in this situation.

TLDR? The answer is proper and efficient allocation of public monies, slashing red-tape, and effectively placing luxury/exit taxes on the mega wealthy. We should start running things the way government did post-WW2 but with the lessons learned since then about mental health care and other things.
Depends. Affordable housing if they’re sober, asylums (not sure I should call them that) if they suffer from addiction or severe schizophrenia. And honestly, keeping those asylums out in rural areas (like where Alberta Hospital is) or light industrial areas (obviously not something like Refinery Row or beside a rail yard or chemical plant) isn’t a terrible idea.

While they are far outside the city's jurisdiction, I've wondered if some of the small dying farm towns might be a good place for that kind of rehabilitation or supportive housing. The names escape me but I recall reading about a few years back where homes could be bought for less than 10k.
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Yeah like it's a cheap SFH/townhome at the literal edge of the city, what did they expect? lol and it's only going to get worse as time goes on. Gridlock from the south end of the city is going to at least drive some people crazy and maybe even consider to move in the future.

To where, Calgary? 🤣

Maybe if enough people in the company complain about the commute they'll move their offices to Leduc! I hear it's a real happening place these days..
The city appears to finally be prioritizing decentralization of social services which in my opinion is a good thing for a city like Edmonton. As Yeggers said, society appears to be moving back towards mandatory institutionalization for vulnerable populations who require it - a good thing for them, a good thing for the community, a bad thing for drug dealers and those who prey on the unhomed, traumatized and mentally ill.

Another tier will be those in need of housing. Back in 2015 I honestly don't know how I held onto my condo as I got laid off for nearly a year immediately after buying my place. I was using credit cards to make payments, picking bottles, and would have taken the first job that came my way. I was probably 6 months away from being homeless and though I re-educated and am doing quite well now, I know full well how it feels to be on the brink like so many people are. They in my opinion, have an inalienable right for society to house them so they don't end up on the streets because of circumstances beyond their control. MANY of the homeless are in this situation.

TLDR? The answer is proper and efficient allocation of public monies, slashing red-tape, and effectively placing luxury/exit taxes on the mega wealthy. We should start running things the way government did post-WW2 but with the lessons learned since then about mental health care and other things.
Agree with much of this. City centers are an extremely unhealthy place for people who are on the edge to be..
