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Cycling and Active Transportation in Edmonton

Most of the city cleared paths are pretty treacherous with the snowpack melting and refreezing every night. In theory, this would be a good time to clear them down to the surface and put gravel down.
And to build key MUPs prone to flooding with side drainage, bioswells, etc. I.e. mill creek, Mackinnon, etc.
I've been really fortunate most of my commuting paths have been cleared all winter, but I wanted to ride the river valley yesterday and was shocked by how poor those MUPs are. I was met with slush at the bottom of MacKinnon Ravine that I was wrestling to slow down my bike but at the same time keep it in control with, and then near Capilano Freeway my studs were no match for the completely iced over steep hill and I went down, and continued sliding down the icy hill for about 10 metres. I'll wait until April or May to explore the river valley again.

Plus side, 49 otherwise amazing km on my bike yesterday.
I've been really fortunate most of my commuting paths have been cleared all winter, but I wanted to ride the river valley yesterday and was shocked by how poor those MUPs are. I was met with slush at the bottom of MacKinnon Ravine that I was wrestling to slow down my bike but at the same time keep it in control with, and then near Capilano Freeway my studs were no match for the completely iced over steep hill and I went down, and continued sliding down the icy hill for about 10 metres. I'll wait until April or May to explore the river valley again.

Plus side, 49 otherwise amazing km on my bike yesterday.
I guess the plan is to just let it melt. They even cleared some of the windrows next to one of the paths I ride yesterday with equipment, but still left the slush/ice layer untouched, which has again frozen into a 2 inch thick ice rink again overnight without any gravel/sand on it.
I guess the plan is to just let it melt. They even cleared some of the windrows next to one of the paths I ride yesterday with equipment, but still left the slush/ice layer untouched, which has again frozen into a 2 inch thick ice rink again overnight without any gravel/sand on it.

Maybe they thought that giving away a bunch of studded tires absolves them from any responsibility of fully clearing the routes. Honestly when it was -20, I actually quite enjoyed the 4-5 metre packed snow MUPs they cleared along the river valley, but the packed snow has become liabilties now.

Also if not for the cyclists, can the city please think of year round wheelchair accessibility and general population winter safety with the grades of these river valley routes? I estimate some of these grades are up to 15% and that is incredibly ableist. I had to warn a parent with their dog and child that the path they were heading down to which I just climbed was steep and incredibly icy. They could tackle one difficult hill per year starting from the central areas outwards and probably be done in 10 years.

I was hoping they would regrade the hill out of Hermitage when they repaved the MUP but they did not. It's exactly an ACA compliant 8.33% grade overall, but it's more like 10-15% for the first bit, a landing at the switchback, then 7.5% the rest of the way with no landing for over 200m.

There was also a ramp proposed at the Royal Glenora stairs for wheelchairs but also built to MUP standards that was proposed to be built I think as part of Touch the Water, and I was hoping that would go ahead independent of Touch the Water project.
It’s crazy they can’t get out there with so many warm days in a row to get all the major MUPs clear.

Some will get new ice as stuff melts, but the 3-5 inches of slush being gone means Mother Nature can finish off the clearing much soon. Not like the snow teams are clearing roads right now, why can’t the snow and ice team spend a week improving all MUPs? Roads don’t need it.
It’s crazy they can’t get out there with so many warm days in a row to get all the major MUPs clear.

Some will get new ice as stuff melts, but the 3-5 inches of slush being gone means Mother Nature can finish off the clearing much soon. Not like the snow teams are clearing roads right now, why can’t the snow and ice team spend a week improving all MUPs? Roads don’t need it.
Plus, the paths in shaded areas could really use at least *some* sort of traction like gravel or sand if they aren't going to bother to clear it. Otherwise it just keeps turning into stuff like this overnight (this is one of the MUP connectors I use, which is also near a bus stop).

