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Around Edmonton

Thinking back to the time I was biking home across the High Level in early November of 2016. The bridge was lit up red for Remembrance Day. Towards the north side of the west path, my brain detected something red hiding in the red of the lights, and it turned out to be some kind of mid-century chair upholstered in some kind of red velvet-like cloth.

If I were asked to identify the best piece of public art in Edmonton, it would be "Wildlife". Yeah, as a geographer, I have a weakness for the topography on the sides of the Kathleen Andrews Transit Garage, but it's a very niche thing. But Wildlife just has a mood to it, and it fits so well into the streetscape. It gets better when the weather is nasty or night settles in.

It used to be two statues, but sadly its partner was destroyed by a negligent driver a few years back.

Yes!! I'm glad to see them popping out around the city. So far I've seen a couple planted in an Alberta Ave park (crossing the street from Otto), Wihkwentowin (the corner of Wihkwentowin school), and Downtown in the Ice District plaza, but we need more! I think they have a lovely fall colour and are a great alternative now that we want to reduce the number of new elms planted.
Yes!! I'm glad to see them popping out around the city. So far I've seen a couple planted in an Alberta Ave park (crossing the street from Otto), Wihkwentowin (the corner of Wihkwentowin school), and Downtown in the Ice District plaza, but we need more! I think they have a lovely fall colour and are a great alternative now that we want to reduce the number of new elms planted.
I do notice more Oak here in recent years. I had thought there were not many in the past because of the climate, but perhaps there are different varieties or they are more feasible as the climate here becomes milder.

In any event, I agree they look very nice.
I do notice more Oak here in recent years. I had thought there were not many in the past because of the climate, but perhaps there are different varieties or they are more feasible as the climate here becomes milder.

In any event, I agree they look very nice.
There are thousands of Burr Oaks in Edmonton which are native to southern Manitoba and south east Saskatchewan. More recent introductions are the Scarlet, Pin and Red Oaks.
I am in an older area which I walk around a lot. In the whole area only saw one oak boulevard tree, which is fairly new, but perhaps there are some more tucked way.

I had heard years ago there were not more oak here because of the climate, but I don't know if that is true or not. Sometimes people let the stereotypes about our colder climate limit their thinking too much.
