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Alberta Politics

The mayoral-to-premier pipeline in Alberta is historically surprisingly weak. I mean, yes, there's Ralph Klein (and his runner-up, Laurence Decore), but not much else. Harry Strom was a municipal councilor, but I'm hard-pressed to think of any Premier who had much in the way of substantial experience with municipal politics.
Klein must have been the only one who got re-elected. So as the saying goes, the exception proves the rule. Decore of course never got elected Premier, Stelmach did not run for re-election and Strom did not get win in a general election either.

There may be others, but I recall the Socreds also chose a fairly popular former Calgary Mayor as leader, in the early 1980's I think, who did not really help their fortunes in the end either. Of course the Alberta Party has had several mayors as leaders, none of whom were successful provincially either.
Not a bad option as long as he would treat both big cities fairly, unlike Klein.
When he was in office, he generally seemed fairly cooperative with Edmonton's mayors and seemed to understand they faced common issues.

I also liked that he was thoughtful and articulate, but it would be hard to any former mayor to appear to be even handed provincially.
Smith is on a mission. She doesn't like Edmonton/Calgary talking to the federal government.

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Edmonton has done a good job in cutting back water usage this week - it might be something more Albertans have to get used to based on this report.

When talking to Tucker Carlson, Smith said she would like to see us double oil production. In terms of oil and gas production, isn't a huge volume of water used for oil well operations, fracking and so on? With climate change having an impact on our water, how do we square that up with doubling down on an industry that not only contributes to climate change - but also uses a sizeable amount of water in its operations?
I do see a problem here. Those people in rural Alberta who reliably vote UCP are not going to happy when their water for agricultural and other usage gets cut back even more so Smith's 5 year plan or whatever the time frame is for doubling oil production, can be achieved.

However, it may just be another example of Smith flapping her gums without really thinking.
She is basically what would happen if one of the FOX News pundits was given control over a provincial government. Her entire purpose in office is to "own the libs" and provide tax cuts, subsidies and grants to her powerful friends in the private sector, she has no intentions of materially improving conditions for Albertans. The renewables pause and the most recent motion where she's decided trans people must have their parents consent if they choose to change pronouns, both benefit no one, harm many, and serve only her own personal agenda and that of the coocoo's who've taken over pretty much every right leaning party in the country.

I'm aware that was very political and maybe too much so, but I'm just done with the ridiculously evil nature of this current UCP government. She's done nothing to address the 2 most important issues in politics right now, affordability (especially housing) and climate change.
