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Alberta Politics

I also am “not an expert” but that doesn’t stop me from having an opinion that I believe is based more on fact than willful ignorance.

I am a cisgender heterosexual male but not because I chose to be. There was never a moment when I decided that’s what I would be instead of being homosexual or bisexual or queer or trans.

I believe it is the same for those who are born homosexual or bisexual or queer or trans. Their sexual orientation is not a choice even when for social or family or religious reasons they may decide to hide that orientation.

Being born trans in a modern society has more in common with someone born with a cleft palate or a club foot or certain forms of deafness or blindness or heart defects etc. In many of these cases options are now available that simply were not for previous generations and in all cases the condition is not one of choice but choosing one of the options available is.

Who would insist that a child with a cleft palate should be denied corrective surgery because they’re too young to make that choice or who is cursed with parents who believe that these anomalies are god’s will or whose religion permits “care but not surgery”?

The issue is about the rights of the individuals, not the rights of their parents and it is government’s responsibility to support the rights of those individuals. No-one goes through gender altering surgery or performs gender altering surgery on a whim.
I’m not an expert but most people I talk to feel somewhat similar, all “educated”.
The Alberta government has decided to disregard the advice of actual experts on the subject. That's a problem.

It's a culture war distraction, and it's causing harm to vulnerable people.
The Alberta government has decided to disregard the advice of actual experts on the subject. That's a problem.

It's a culture war distraction, and it's causing harm to vulnerable people.
Experts like the CASS Report? The European countries where trans policies started, like Denmark and Netherlands and UK, have moved away from puberty blockers and surgery on minors. The CASS Report and insanity at what happened at Tavinstock in the UK has revealed the truth. Not surprised that some people on here have now called me a "nazi" - so typical. Thankfully we have heroes like JK Rowling who remained a voice for reason under unrelenting attacks. Most parents in liberal democratic countries will not accept these policies and when the NDP continue to promote these policies they are basically accepting a never ending cycle of electoral defeats.
"...heroes like JK Rowling..."

Telltale sign, here. Regurgitation from the algorithm is not doing research.

And chastising people for not compromising vis a vis subjecting kids to harm so they can gain power is pretty revealing.
I wish there was a way to ban users from this site if suspected to be neo-Nazi troll bots.
So typical from the left - ban and cancel any views they don't disagree with. Use terms incorrectly like "nazi" and "fascist" and "genocide" to label their opponents. I read this forum to get information about Edmonton where I was born and raised but occasionally I feel the need to post things on here when I see the unrelenting attacks on UCP, rural people and conservatives. But apparently I am the bad guy for pointing out that most parents in Canada, regardless of political beliefs, do not like school counselors and teachers having highly sensitive and secret conversations with their children about things like gender issues. Teenage years are the years when the human body goes through its quickest and most profound changes, both physically and chemically and these kids should not be transitioning and making life altering decisions. I am not anti-trans and never said I was. UCP, and most European trans policies are not anti-trans either - they just prohibit children from making these changes until they are adults. This seems very reasonable to most people - you should read the CASS Report and google Tavinstock Gender Identity Clinic in the UK to see why the UK government shut Tavinstock down - I have read the CAS Report and reports on Tavinstock. Also, I don't appreciate being called a "nazi" - my grandfather fought in WW2 and I have several great uncles who fought for this country in WW1.
So typical from the left - ban and cancel any views they don't disagree with. Use terms incorrectly like "nazi" and "fascist" and "genocide" to label their opponents. I read this forum to get information about Edmonton where I was born and raised but occasionally I feel the need to post things on here when I see the unrelenting attacks on UCP, rural people and conservatives. But apparently I am the bad guy for pointing out that most parents in Canada, regardless of political beliefs, do not like school counselors and teachers having highly sensitive and secret conversations with their children about things like gender issues. Teenage years are the years when the human body goes through its quickest and most profound changes, both physically and chemically and these kids should not be transitioning and making life altering decisions. I am not anti-trans and never said I was. UCP, and most European trans policies are not anti-trans either - they just prohibit children from making these changes until they are adults. This seems very reasonable to most people - you should read the CASS Report and google Tavinstock Gender Identity Clinic in the UK to see why the UK government shut Tavinstock down - I have read the CAS Report and reports on Tavinstock. Also, I don't appreciate being called a "nazi" - my grandfather fought in WW2 and I have several great uncles who fought for this country in WW1.
To preface, I haven't called you a nazi. I haven't cared to dig into your posts that much.

BUT - saying that your grandfather fought in WW2 as an indication of...anything is pure logical fallacy. WW2 vets fought enough battles for you. They don't need to sheild you from your own statements.
Many UCP and Trump supporters don't do math.
Here we go again - grouping millions of people together who have differing political views and insinuating they are dumb and ignorant. I see this so much on this forum but apparently people have no issue with it. When I post something that this echo chamber has an issue with I get called a "nazi" and other things referring to my apparent stupidity. I remember last year some horrible comments about UCP supporters being ignorant hillbillies and comparing them to Appalachia people (the Appalachia is inhabited by hard working and creative people who have historically been disrespected and abused by big city "educated" people). Its never stops on here - and of course they profess to be tolerant and inclusive. Its laughable.
To preface, I haven't called you a nazi. I haven't cared to dig into your posts that much.

BUT - saying that your grandfather fought in WW2 as an indication of...anything is pure logical fallacy. WW2 vets fought enough battles for you. They don't need to sheild you from your own statements.
"Shield your from your own statements"? I don't need shielding from my own statements trust me. I'm not the one on here insulting people.
"Shield your from your own statements"? I don't need shielding from my own statements trust me. I'm not the one on here insulting people.
If you don't need shielding then why bring it up? If your words don't favour the reich, then let them stand on their own. Granpa's service history is irrelevant.
The UCP didn't give any real empirical evidence related to the CPP, just that distorted analysis from LifeWorks.
If you don't need shielding then why bring it up? If your words don't favour the reich, then let them stand on their own. Granpa's service history is irrelevant.
I brought it up because I don't like my comments being linked to a supposed neo-nazi fascist chat bot - it's a ridiculous statement you made. Also, my grandfather fought real nazi fascists - many people these days use terms like "nazi" and "fascist" and "genocide" - and they apparently either don't know what these words mean or are using them in an inflammatory manner on purpose to vilify, ineffectively, people who don't have the same political views as they do. The NDP has lost its way - it used to be on the side of working class people when Grant Notley was its leader but it has now morphed into a WEF style environmentalist, anti-semitic party with some rather extreme views (Heather McPherson) that don't resonate with most citizens. Most citizens are not public employees with guaranteed pensions who work in academia or for the government. Most citizens want effective education for their kids - not indoctrination on politically infused issues. Most citizens want responsible resource development - not overtaxed "climate change" carbon taxes that make everything in life more expensive. Most citizens want regulated immigration that does not overwhelm society and does not allow people with extreme views into the country. Most people want economic development that promotes growth of living standards and generates wealth from the private sector - not just hiring more government workers who do not generate wealth. This is not just in Alberta - this is also the ROC and the USA and increasingly Europe, Autralia / NZ and other liberal democracies around the world and the overwhelming majority of people who vote UCP, Conservative, Republican etc are not ignorant "fascist red-necks". The NDP as it is now won't get elected by winning seats in government cities like Edmonton and university ridings in Calgary and Lethbridge. The UCP and Cons are now the party of working class Canadians - who unfortunately due to our falling GDP per capita is a growing demographic. I don't like the UCP or Cons or any political party winning too much because its not good for democracy so I hope the NDP under Nenshi and whoever takes over from Singh, and the post Trudeau Libs, can become more moderate and appeal to more people. What happened to the NDP? Maybe we should ask Heather McPherson.
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I brought it up because I don't like my comments being linked to a supposed neo-nazi fascist chat bot - it's a ridiculous statement you made. Also, my grandfather fought real nazi fascists - many people these days use terms like "nazi" and "fascist" and "genocide" - and they apparently either don't know what these words mean or are using them in an inflammatory manner on purpose to vilify, ineffectively, people who don't have the same political views as they do. The NDP has lost its way - it used to be on the side of working class people when Grant Notley was its leader but it has now morphed into a WEF style environmentalist, anti-semitic party with some rather extreme views (Heather McPherson) that don't resonate with most citizens. Most citizens are not public employees with guaranteed pensions who work in academia or for the government. Most citizens want effective education for their kids - not indoctrination on politically infused issues. Most citizens want responsible resource development - not overtaxed "climate change" carbon taxes that make everything in life more expensive. Most citizens want regulated immigration that does not overwhelm society and does not allow people with extreme views into the country. Most people want economic development that promotes growth of living standards and generates wealth from the private sector - not just hiring more government workers who do not generate wealth. This is not just in Alberta - this is also the ROC and the USA and increasingly Europe, Autralia / NZ and other liberal democracies around the world and the overwhelming majority of people who vote UCP, Conservative, Republican etc are not ignorant "fascist red-necks". The NDP as it is now won't get elected by winning seats in government cities like Edmonton and university ridings in Calgary and Lethbridge. The UCP and Cons are now the party of working class Canadians - who unfortunately due to our falling GDP per capita is a growing demographic. I don't like the UCP or Cons or any political party winning too much because its not good for democracy so I hope the NDP under Nenshi and whoever takes over from Singh, and the post Trudeau Libs, can become more moderate and appeal to more people. What happened to the NDP? Maybe we should ask Heather McPherson.
The rare triple-down.
