Senior Member
I also am “not an expert” but that doesn’t stop me from having an opinion that I believe is based more on fact than willful ignorance.
I am a cisgender heterosexual male but not because I chose to be. There was never a moment when I decided that’s what I would be instead of being homosexual or bisexual or queer or trans.
I believe it is the same for those who are born homosexual or bisexual or queer or trans. Their sexual orientation is not a choice even when for social or family or religious reasons they may decide to hide that orientation.
Being born trans in a modern society has more in common with someone born with a cleft palate or a club foot or certain forms of deafness or blindness or heart defects etc. In many of these cases options are now available that simply were not for previous generations and in all cases the condition is not one of choice but choosing one of the options available is.
Who would insist that a child with a cleft palate should be denied corrective surgery because they’re too young to make that choice or who is cursed with parents who believe that these anomalies are god’s will or whose religion permits “care but not surgery”?
The issue is about the rights of the individuals, not the rights of their parents and it is government’s responsibility to support the rights of those individuals. No-one goes through gender altering surgery or performs gender altering surgery on a whim.
I am a cisgender heterosexual male but not because I chose to be. There was never a moment when I decided that’s what I would be instead of being homosexual or bisexual or queer or trans.
I believe it is the same for those who are born homosexual or bisexual or queer or trans. Their sexual orientation is not a choice even when for social or family or religious reasons they may decide to hide that orientation.
Being born trans in a modern society has more in common with someone born with a cleft palate or a club foot or certain forms of deafness or blindness or heart defects etc. In many of these cases options are now available that simply were not for previous generations and in all cases the condition is not one of choice but choosing one of the options available is.
Who would insist that a child with a cleft palate should be denied corrective surgery because they’re too young to make that choice or who is cursed with parents who believe that these anomalies are god’s will or whose religion permits “care but not surgery”?
The issue is about the rights of the individuals, not the rights of their parents and it is government’s responsibility to support the rights of those individuals. No-one goes through gender altering surgery or performs gender altering surgery on a whim.