there's natural sand bars and beaches near Fort Edmonton Park, Terwillegar, Under the Walterdale Bridge, and Accidental Beach. There's smaller sand areas everywhere. Honestly my favourites are by Oleskiw and under the walterdale, I saw people suntanning and swimming there all summer.
I plan on exploring a lot of those other sand areas of the river that you mentioned. I feel (like some here), that the natural sand bars and beach areas should be left (more or less) natural, with some improvements that simply adapt/conform with what nature will have. I do feel that maintaining/adding berms to Accidental & Walterdale is essential to build a better "natural" beach, but need some further research in that regard. If/when the beach is washed out one year, no biggie.
Next, what types of amenities can we add to said areas that are seasonal/removable by design; piers, docks, party boats, bumper boats, Lifeguard chair, zipline across the river, Bungie jump, water taxi's, equipment rentals, change rooms, bathrooms, waterslides, waterfalls, play structures, speakers corner, FIRE PITS, BBQ stands, picnic tables, firewood sales so people don't burn the picnic tables, EPS kiosk, alcohol permitted, outdoor "walk-in/roll-in" night theatre, restaurant/retail, fitness, what what what?
Then, I'll add that an area downtown could be transformed into a permanent beach (not in a flood plain), yup, away from our temperamental river - but right there. Many many examples across NA, I posted some before. What could Edmonton create that's genuinely engaging, supper amenity-rich, that ties in with other significant projects to provide the synergy we've lacked for far too long.
^ The family and I found the water quality really good this summer, crystal clear when wading closer to shore, and the same for sand. ^^ But for sure water would vary from location/conditions.
We frequented Walterdale & Accidental for a little swimming and lots of wading/beaching often. This coming season we plan on adding kayaking or canoeing to explore further.
Adding some shots from Walterdale from yesterday. (
I know this is the Accidental thread)
Markers for the 100year floods, amazing the extent when comparing the potential water level to the SUP or any infrastructure, such as the low rungs of the wood staircase in the first pic. Next pic, all those people would hypothetically be a couple of metres underwater. The next couple of pics
- people still play down by the beach (or maybe he's frozen!) Threw in the promotional shot of some local's recent art installations.
) :
Lastly, the Urban Planning Committee's visions being discussed in another thread, Touch da Water - concerning daylighting Millcreek ravine near Connors and the Groat ravine, this bit kind of reminds me of Calgary's river surfing project being discussed above. Could more swim, surf, paddle, fish, etc, options be considered for our creeks? The areas of the creeks not concerned with the floodplains nor the Federal waterways acts? It all could flow together so nicely.