Blatchford Development | ?m | ?s | City of Edmonton

@whattheheck, Nobody is saying Westmount sucks, we're saying Blatchford could and should be more than it. The vision of Blatchford has already been substantially compromised from its initial promise and we don't want to see it watered down any further to fix a problem that doesn't really exist in any tangible way. The planned build out of the entire neighborhood was initially laid out at 50 years, we're now 10 years in and considering all the challenges its faced, it's not too far behind schedule. There's no need to introduce SFH's to maybe move the timeline up a couple months.

This summer will be big for Blatchford, it's actually starting to look like a real neighborhood now. With interest rates dropping, among other developments, this is expected to be a big summer for construction in Edmonton and Blatchford will absorb a decent amount of that.

I, for the record don't think you're a "raving lunatic" and I don't think anybody else actually does either. This is the internet, people say whatever flippantly all the time. Considering your reaction to me calling you "bro" and now this, I'd encourage you to take this forum a little less seriously, for your own benefit as well as the benefit of everyone else on this forum. We're all deeply unserious people, me included.

So let's all just chill out a little bit.
So, I'm a 'raving lunatic' because I'm advocating for a community like Westmount. Wow. Go to hell. You arrogant snob.
It's more the notion that adding SFH's somehow "fix" something wrong with the neighbourhood, when the freehold townhomes have been selling as quickly as they are built even though it's not a great time to be buying houses.
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The group think circle jerk on here is getting a little too messy for me. Heaven forbid someone has an opinion that is not of the hive mind.

Some progressives are just as bad as their regressive cousins. Follow the leader, don't stray from the herd, don't question the ideology.

The push back is akin to school yard bully tactics. So god damn disrespectful. It's clear this forum only welcomes one set of opinion here.
The group think circle jerk on here is getting a little too messy for me. Heaven forbid someone has an opinion that is not of the hive mind.

Some progressives are just as bad as their regressive cousins. Follow the leader, don't stray from the herd, don't question the ideology.

The push back is akin to school yard bully tactics. So god damn disrespectful. It's clear this forum only welcomes one set of opinion here.
I'm sorry you're upset that your ideology was questioned, everyone strayed from your herd, and no one followed your lead when you put forth a solution to a problem that doesn't actually exist in the real world.
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I'm sorry you're upset that your ideology was questioned, everyone strayed from your herd, and no one followed your lead when you put forth a solution to a problem that doesn't actually exist in the real world.View attachment 631503
I think the biggest win for blatchford will be getting the 4+ story projects going with some local retail. That’ll be what truly sets it apart from other communities.

Especially if they’re high quality and land strong tenants.

I think the biggest win for blatchford will be getting the 4+ story projects going with some local retail. That’ll be what truly sets it apart from other communities.

Especially if they’re high quality and land strong tenants.

I.E. View attachment 631504View attachment 631505
Well, the folks who did the AUPE building and the AGA are supposed to start one soon. Looking forward to seeing that.
I think the biggest win for blatchford will be getting the 4+ story projects going with some local retail. That’ll be what truly sets it apart from other communities.

Especially if they’re high quality and land strong tenants.

I.E. View attachment 631504View attachment 631505

The building is truly awful above the ground floor. Hopefully blatchford’s mid rise and high rise gets lucky and has has some actual thought put into it. I don’t necessarily like all of these buildings, but general vibe I’d be hoping for for urban feel in mid to high rise areas of blatchford
Fun fact: I used to work in that old house in the last photo. Pub/restaurant.
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I'm sorry you're upset that your ideology was questioned, everyone strayed from your herd, and no one followed your lead when you put forth a solution to a problem that doesn't actually exist in the real world.View attachment 631503
Holy cow. Do you feel good about yourself piling on to me like that. you, sir, are a prick. an arrogant prick. i retract all my suggestions. i pledge fealty to the group think on here out of fear of retribution. Look in the mirror. you're just as bad as those who follow trump, without question.
Holy cow. Do you feel good about yourself piling on to me like that. you, sir, are a prick. an arrogant prick. i retract all my suggestions. i pledge fealty to the group think on here out of fear of retribution. Look in the mirror. you're just as bad as those who follow trump, without question.
Sorry I'm not group thinking with you. Feel free to actually make a point about why we need to sacrifice space to introduce SFHs when freehold townhomes are selling as fast as they build here. So far all you've said is that they would sell well, but given that the freehold townhomes are selling very well, that isn't actually a fix to any problem that actually exists with the Blatchford development, and is actually just a way to sell fewer homes per unit of available area or just build smaller houses. So, is there some reason that I'm missing that we either need to build fewer houses here or build smaller houses here?
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The building is truly awful above the ground floor. Hopefully blatchford’s mid rise and high rise gets lucky and has has some actual thought put into it. I don’t necessarily like all of these buildings, but general vibe I’d be hoping for for urban feel in mid to high rise areas of blatchford
View attachment 631522View attachment 631523View attachment 631524View attachment 631525View attachment 631526View attachment 631528View attachment 631529View attachment 631530View attachment 631531View attachment 631527
Fun fact: I used to work in that old house in the last photo. Pub/restaurant.
Agreed haha. Just a quick google of uni District in Calgary. Sadly, might be realistic to expect a similar product though 😔.

But fingers crossed they’re awesome!
The group think circle jerk on here is getting a little too messy for me. Heaven forbid someone has an opinion that is not of the hive mind.

Some progressives are just as bad as their regressive cousins. Follow the leader, don't stray from the herd, don't question the ideology.

The push back is akin to school yard bully tactics. So god damn disrespectful. It's clear this forum only welcomes one set of opinion here.
Holy cow. Do you feel good about yourself piling on to me like that. you, sir, are a prick. an arrogant prick. i retract all my suggestions. i pledge fealty to the group think on here out of fear of retribution. Look in the mirror. you're just as bad as those who follow trump, without question.

I tried to extend an olive branch to you and you've not only burned it, but totally dug yourself even deeper and accused everyone else of ideological groupthink.

Nobody is telling you that you need to agree, I think a lot of us would be willing to listen to whatever you have to say if you give a good reason why you think SFH's should be included in Blatchford. If you present a compelling argument I'm sure you can win some people over. The only argument I've seen you give is that it needs to go faster, you've received some push back on that point and now you're accusing everyone of brainwashed group think for not agreeing with you.

You're free to continue disagreeing and continue posting, I can't guarantee you won't receive further pushback. This is the entire point of discourse, you post something, throw something out there and anyone is able to respond to you. Instead of meaningfully engaging with the responses people have sent your way you've chosen to lash out, call people names and generally be an unproductive member of the forum.

If you continue to make baseless accusations of "everyone who disagrees with me is a brainwashed progressive who never questions their ideology", I'm probably going to ignore your posts.

So, let me ask again, why do you think there should be single family homes in Blatchford? I'm genuinely interested. If you can't think of anything else you can either take our responses and re-evaluate your position, or you can choose to not agree with them. Either is fine, but throwing buzzwords around and not actually addressing the problems people have brought up with your proposal makes me think you have no response and are attempting in some way to save face by accusing everyone else of being hivemind zombies instead of accepting you might have had a dumb take.
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