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From the City of Edmonton:

City of Edmonton making progress on a home for everyone
From January 1 to August 31, housing starts are up 48 percent and the number of dwelling units with approved building permits is up 65 percent over the same eight-month period in 2023.

The number of units with approved building permits to date in 2024 has already surpassed the number through all of 2023, and is on track to beat Edmonton’s all-time record, set in 2015. These figures, along with growth trends show a shift towards a more diverse housing supply and demonstrate how the City is making progress toward the housing targets set out in our Housing Accelerator Fund action plan.

Some of the ways the City is making development faster and easier include:
  • Eliminating parking minimums and modernizing our zoning bylaw to encourage diverse housing types.
  • Opening market and non-market multi-unit housing in nodes (urban centres) and corridors (main streets), on surplus City-owned land, and near transit through targeted rezonings.
  • Incentivizing development in priority areas through the Infill Infrastructure fund.
  • Boosting overall housing supply growth through the Housing Accelerator Fund action plan.
Through the first eight months of 2024, apartments, row houses, mixed-use houses, secondary suites and backyard houses account for 68% of the City’s total permitted residential units. These trends show an appetite for a variety of housing types and are aligned with the growth objectives of The City Plan and Edmonton’s new Zoning Bylaw.
From the City of Edmonton:

City of Edmonton making progress on a home for everyone
From January 1 to August 31, housing starts are up 48 percent and the number of dwelling units with approved building permits is up 65 percent over the same eight-month period in 2023.

The number of units with approved building permits to date in 2024 has already surpassed the number through all of 2023, and is on track to beat Edmonton’s all-time record, set in 2015. These figures, along with growth trends show a shift towards a more diverse housing supply and demonstrate how the City is making progress toward the housing targets set out in our Housing Accelerator Fund action plan.

Some of the ways the City is making development faster and easier include:
  • Eliminating parking minimums and modernizing our zoning bylaw to encourage diverse housing types.
  • Opening market and non-market multi-unit housing in nodes (urban centres) and corridors (main streets), on surplus City-owned land, and near transit through targeted rezonings.
  • Incentivizing development in priority areas through the Infill Infrastructure fund.
  • Boosting overall housing supply growth through the Housing Accelerator Fund action plan.
Through the first eight months of 2024, apartments, row houses, mixed-use houses, secondary suites and backyard houses account for 68% of the City’s total permitted residential units. These trends show an appetite for a variety of housing types and are aligned with the growth objectives of The City Plan and Edmonton’s new Zoning Bylaw.
im impressed honestly
What project is this? No captions or anything lol
This? Is this….

