Nearly a month since we last checked on Beljan Development's @81 in Strathcona, and the mixed-use project has risen three storeys - with just one more to go. Set to comprise a mix of residential and retail space, with three levels of condo units perched above a single level of retail, @81 will bring a great deal of urban vibrancy to the area. 

@81, three storeys and climbing, image by Forum contributor Kaizen

Built largely out of the shell of a former low-rise commercial structure, and significantly expanded upon both upwards and outwards, @81's progress has been swift. Owing as well to the majority timber frame construction, the project's rapid rise can also be attributed to the medium at work. 

@81, alternate view, image by Forum contributor Kaizen

Designed by Bennett Architect, @81 will be clad in a mix of light grey spandrel and colourful accent pieces, which will serve to bring a pop of vibrancy to what may have otherwise been a fairly unassuming edifice. Viewed in the rendering below, the final product will also be texturally interesting, with various volumes appearing across the facade. 

@81, as it will appear upon completion, image via Beljan Development

Situated near the popular 82 Ave NW and Gateway Blvd corridors, @81 will more than likely be a good fit for Strathcona, the area already primed for generous amounts of foot traffic and pedestrian activity. To these ends, 6 large retail bays will occupy the base, five of which will front onto 81 Ave NW. 

SkyriseEdmonton will be sure to return to this project as progress continues. For more information, check out the associated Database file and Forum thread, and as always, feel free to join the conversation in the comments section below.