Valley Line LRT | TransEd/Marigold | City of Edmonton

Edmonton residents use gas line meeting to vent about Valley Line LRT
A Saturday meeting intended to field concerns about moving a gas main instead unearthed contempt for city plans for the southeast LRT line.

“Some of the concerns we heard about do relate to convenience during construction, access to their homes, the work that’s being done on their properties,” said Melanie Bayley, vice-president of innovation and engineering for Atco. She was on hand at a public meeting at the Woodvale Community Facility in Mill Woods.

The meeting was supposed to be relatively straightforward: Atco does roughly 10,000 jobs involving gas mains each year and reaching out to affected residents is standard.

But the reason for the work — the future installation of a sound wall to reduce noise from the future LRT line — had some residents at Saturday’s meeting bringing up issues with the LRT plans themselves.

Full Story (Edmonton Journal)
Ugh seeing Bombardier asking for yet another bailout of a billion dollars really irks me...
Probably because they will end up getting it yet again being the East's pride and joy.

I still am not confident at all with this project or what the end result will look like... I feel like its going to be the Kingsway intersection nightmare and 111st headaches all over again.

City doesn't seem to learn.
Paula Simons: New Ottawa cash raises hope of getting Valley Line's west leg on the fast track
“I am more hopeful than I’ve ever been before,” says Andrew Knack.

What has the city councillor for Ward One feeling so sunny?

It was the federal government’s fall fiscal update — which promised a new infusion of federal infrastructure dollars, specifically for public transit.

In total, the Trudeau government is now promising $25.3 billion for urban mass transit projects across Canada — which they’ve done by adding another $8 billion to the final two years of what is now a 12-year plan.

The fiscal update document specifically lists the west leg of Edmonton Valley Line LRT is a priority project that could get funding through this new program.

“In the past, maybe in my wildest dreams, I thought we could begin construction by 2023 or 2021,” says Knack.

Now, he says, it’s possible to imagine construction beginning within 18 to 24 months.

Full Story (Edmonton Journal)
'Strong' incentive for Bombardier to deliver on Valley Line LRT
Edmonton Mayor Don Iveson says he's keeping a close eye on the consortium building the Valley Line LRT after Ontario decided to cancel its LRT contract with Bombardier.

Bombardier is one of the partners in the TransEd consortium that has contracted to build the south extension of the LRT in Edmonton.

Ontario's provincial transit agency, Metrolinx, is bailing on its contract with Bombardier, worth more than $700 million.

Full Story (CBC Edmonton)
Judge throws out legal bid to stall construction of Valley Line LRT
A Mill Woods homeowner who went to court seeking an injunction to delay ongoing construction of the Valley Line LRT had his application dismissed Monday.

Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Donna Shelley told Chris Christianson that his application “must fail” as he did not meet the three-part legal test required in an injunction application.

Shelley ruled some of Christianson’s concerns were “highly speculative” and said his application was not properly before the court as he had not put forth a proper cause of action.

Shelley also ruled that even if Christianson was to suffer some future loss as a result of the LRT construction, it is not an “irreparable” loss as he is entitled to seek compensation from the city.

As well, the judge found that on the balance of convenience test, the consequences to the city “greatly outweigh” Christianson’s concerns.

Full Story (Edmonton Journal)
I'm so glad we have a good justice system. Even if this guy sustains damages, the city will reimburse him... It's not cause to shut down a 1.8 billion dollar project...
Winter 2016/2017 Construction Schedule:

  • Tunnel piles will be installed on Grierson Hill.
  • Grierson Hill stabilization work.
  • Begin construction of the Tunnel portal in Louise McKinney Riverfront Park.
  • Tunnel portal excavation and construction. Sequential excavation of mined tunnel will begin in early January.
  • Harbin Gate removal from 102 Ave.
  • Removal of the Cloverdale Footbridge begins. This process entails the removal of the super structure, immediately followed by crews taking down the north and south supports above the berms and then below the surface of the berm and the river. This work will continue during the winter months.
  • Once the Cloverdale Footbridge is removed the Tawatinâ Bridge piers will be built on the north and south sides. The piers will be visible above berm height around late spring 2017. Work to begin May 2017.
  • Piles will be drilled to support the elevated portion of the guideway [over 98 Ave.]. Work to begin early 2017.
  • Construction of drainage and roadway work will begin followed by LRT track construction [on 95 Ave., 85 St., & 83 St.].
  • Davies station, and nearby track, will be elevated above ground level. Caissons will be installed within Wagner Park for construction of the elevated guideway.
  • Elevated guideway pier construction will begin. Caisson installation for the elevated Davies Transit Station will also begin.
  • Work has begun on the Gerry Wright Operations and Maintenance Facility. Between winter 2016 and spring 2017, excavation activities will continue to allow building foundation work to progress.
IN PICTURES: Ready to ride? New images reveal more of what Edmontonians can expect from LRT’s Valley Line
New artist renderings released last month reveal what Edmonton’s new light rail rail transit line will look like and what it will offer Edmontonians.

The renderings are from Trans Ed Partners, the consortium awarded the contract to build the Valley Line, and give Edmontonians a better glimpse of what some of the route’s stops will look like.




That portal on 102 Avenue still makes me cringe. I'm really hoping that will get refined before being built.
Agreed… first of all the Chinese Gate makes absolutely no sense here (don't know where to put it, let's put it here) -- then the egg-crates on their sides along the whole length of the up/down LRT ramp -- ugh! The whole thing looks like an afterthought minus the "thought" part.
Controversial removal of Cloverdale Footbridge begins
Construction workers began removing Edmonton's Cloverdale Footbridge Monday, with the first 'lift' of a section of the bridge.

TransEd, along with contractor American Bridge, will remove the bridge in nine such lifts. The process will take several days and is dependent on weather.

Each section will be removed and placed in a designated area, to be disassembled and disposed of, according to a release.
Jan. 20 Downtown Update - Removal of steel girders from Cloverdale footbridge is now complete; excavation of the tunnel portal in The Quarters is progressing (it's way further along than I realized)










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This email contains four art glass public art calls for the Valley Line LRT.
Artists may apply for one or multiple calls, and should provide a distinct submission package for each call in separate emails.
Submit Visual Documentation only once if it is exactly the same for each submission, and indicate so in your email.
There will be an Information Session for all 4 Calls on Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Prince of Wales Armouries Heritage Centre, Lestock Lounge,
Rm 218B 10440 108 Avenue from 5:00 - 6:15pm
EAC & City project personnel will provide detailed information about the call
The event will be cancelled wihtout sufficient RSVPs - please register before January 30, 2017 with Chelsea Boida
102 Avenue – Lane Closure
EDMONTON, AB – January 23, 2017 – Starting on or about the week of February 13, 2017, three of four existing eastbound lanes on 102 Avenue, from 97 Street to 95 Street will be closed for preliminary removal work on the Harbin Gate. Work is expected to last about two to four weeks.
