Valley Line LRT | TransEd/Marigold | City of Edmonton

I thought there was no elevated guideway over 149 Street.
149 st is at grade.
there was some talk of grade separating the intersection from the tracks (underpass for the road if i remember correctly) but it was too costly, with only minute improvements in travel time. as well, the Jasper Gates redevelopment acted against the overpass. the owner/developer of that project (RioCan i think) was unimpressed with the lack of street visibility and vehicular access that the underpass created. they threatened to cancel the project should the train be grade separated and their site cut off from easy access to the street and station. due to the lack of travel benefits, and strong negative feedback from the area, the underpass idea was abandoned. This was all hashed out pre-funding, ie pre-2019. I think it was brought up in 2017, around the time Nickel was rebel-rousing to get the line turned into BRT; i remember there being a bit of a re-opening of discussions surrounding alignments at that time.
But yeah, there's not grade separation along SPR at any point. That render is from VLSE, where it crosses Argyle, is it not?
Churchill Connector is still closed


