Valley Line LRT | TransEd/Marigold | City of Edmonton

I'm worried about the aesthetics because this city deserves far better than this garbage bandaid solution--but I can also accept a solution potentially coming at a later date (within <3 years) if it means they'll get this line operational this spring.

Unfortunately, I don't think that is possible without taking the it offline for a few weeks/months, as it appears the only proper solution is replacing the piers.
If the piers require complete replacement this will further delay opening by likely 18 months. Let’s hope there is a practical solution and warranty upgrade and possible prepaid Bonding or other insurances to the terms and conditions of the Contract acceptable to the City.
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Pier Repair Progress Exceeds 75% Overall as of December 1, 2022.
"Pier Repair Progress Exceeds 75% Overall as of December 1, 2022." Are you saying that 75% of the repairs have been completed for all piers?
The webpage does not specify, and the latest update is from November 18.
The new pictures were as recent as December 1.
Yes, and so is the 75% thing. I'm referring to the last time they uploaded a video (aside from the technical explanation) that actually broke down what they're currently doing, and what the next stages are. This time, aside from the pictures and that one line of text, there's no explanation of those sorts of details.
I'm guessing that construction could finish later this month, and pending inspection LRT testing and commissioning could resume.
I'm guessing that construction could finish later this month, and pending inspection LRT testing and commissioning could resume.
Maybe that could be possible, but I hope they take their time to do it right. They're in too far anyway, there's no point in rushing things to try and shave off a month or three, just to have to do even more stuff down the road.
Maybe, but at this point I am fairly skeptical. There have been so many problems and delays. They continually seem to over promise and under deliver.

The 75% sounds good, but I have a feeling it somehow will take much longer to get from 75% to 100%.
Maybe, but at this point I am fairly skeptical. There have been so many problems and delays. They continually seem to over promise and under deliver.

The 75% sounds good, but I have a feeling it somehow will take much longer to get from 75% to 100%.
Since when have ever promised anything?
