Oh boy...

Yeah not exactly a comforting statement. At least the U of A is putting money into it. A lot of U of A infrastructure has not received the capital upgrades/maintenance they really should have.Answers to frequently asked questions
Will the building still be yellow?
The final design and materials will consider product availability and performance and be determined after consultation with students and staff. While we aim to retain and enhance appropriate elements of the original design, our focus on making the building resilient into the future will transform its facade.
Don't Fix itIf it ain''t broke...
I tend to agree but also think the risk here is that the only change will be a different skin. It will still be a giant monolith but likely in a stainless steel or something which won't really improve the look of the building and will make it feel much more ominous at street-level. If there were plans for a full reno with new entrances, windows, etc. then I'd be more on board.Sorry but I don't get this one. I get a bit of nostalgia here, having lived at Lister across the street for a couple of years. But the Butterdome is probably one of the top 10 ugliest buildings in the city and I don't see why wouldn't take the opportunity to something more exciting here. Without fail, any out of town visitor I have ever taken past the dome has said something along the lines of 'WTF is up with that yellow box'. No clue why we would want to keep that thing as is.