Winspear Centre Completion Project | 29.87m | 4s | Winspear Centre | Andrew Bromberg

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Reference ID: Job No 286547690-002
Description: To construct an underground addition to the existing Spectator Entertainment Establishment (underground parkade to Francis Winspear Centre for Music)
Location: 9720 - 102 AVENUE NW
Plan 9824093 Blk 5 Lot 9
Status: Intake - Payment Required
Create Date: 1/30/2019 1:36:23 PM
Neighbourhood: DOWNTOWN
@MCXavierL It's changed a lot from that render (forever known as "the silver mushrooms" by people involved in the project). Whether anyone thinks the newer design is better or worse will remain to be seen, but I think the form had to follow the function, which has changed a fair bit from when those renders were created.

*sigh* Another Edmonton project with an amazing initial render with a (potentially) disappointing final product.
Good lord, I hope I've somehow managed to lower everyone's expectations enough that when the renders are public, it won't seem as bad as where your imaginations got to.

In other words, I'm afraid that no matter how good the final design ends up being, that none of you are actually going to like it because it's not silver mushrooms.
^ Which is one of the reasons why I wrote potentially. But I really do hope that my assumption can be proven wrong.

I think the reason why we liked the mushrooms so much was it's an "out there" piece of design, not often something you'd see in Edmonton. It was nice to see something different. If something had to change usage wise with the building that required a redesign then that's definitely understandable, but hopefully they can translate that into something unique into it instead of watering it down.
I think the reason why we liked the mushrooms so much was it's an "out there" piece of design, not often something you'd see in Edmonton. It was nice to see something different. If something had to change usage wise with the building that required a redesign then that's definitely understandable, but hopefully they can translate that into something unique into it instead of watering it down.
Amen, @StopDropandLOL, amen!
C.1. Winspear Completion (Rezoning)
Yolanda Lew - Stantec

The Committee generally supports the project and design intent presented to date;
however, the proposed DC2 regulations are insufficiently developed and detailed to
reflect this intent. Specifically:
● The appendices provided in the submission do not reflect or support the proposed​
DC regulation. Furthermore, the Committee requires the appendices to more fully​
illustrate the current design intent.​
● The maximum building height (100m) is not consistent with the design intent as​
● Significant public realm elements, including but not limited to percentage of​
building glazing, indoor vs. outdoor amenity space, parking lot screening, are not​
specifically prescribed in the DC2 regulation.​
● Notwithstanding clauses are frequently used to exempt the project from meeting​
current City standard or best practice.​

MOVED: J. Mills
Motion to table.
SECONDED: M. Figueira
FOR THE MOTION: D. Brown, M. Figueira, C. Holmes, J. Mills, B. Nolan, and W. Sims.

anybody catch this yesterday? Updated renders? I'm guessing they are gearing up to start this year.
Doubt this is current, but found it buried on some page. There have been so many iterations of this project - more than tower B!!! Haha.

@westcoastjos That's actually the last iteration I saw at the previous EDC meeting. Good find.

There may be more changes, but most of them will be around the district energy system portion which is not pictured. So what you see above is likely what is going to be built.
