Valley Line LRT/ Valley Line West | ?m | ?s | City of Edmonton

If you guys think a 1 am closing time is bad, I’ve been in Rome and Naples the past few days, where (except for Friday and Saturday in Rome), the Metro stops running at 11 or even earlier (that’s how I got stranded in Scampia by myself late one night)
Hope you're enjoying the trip brotha 🤘
I think a transit system is a transit system… Breaking it into parts, especially when one part of it didn't exist pre pandemic isnt fair nor possible.

The fact remains ETS was the first major North American system to reach pre pandemic numbers. Break it apart however you wish, the fact remains.

Yes, it’s momentary. But the judgement also comes from the data released showing around 5000 daily riders currently when they estimated 30,000. That discrepancy is concerning. We aren’t talking 20k when they guessed 30k. We are talking 17% of projected.

All other Canadian cities with trains would see basically every train full at 8:15am on a Wednesday.

Yes we need patience, AND we should be asking why estimates and reality are so far apart.
Personally I am not worried.

It takes time for habits to change and I bet the cost to operate busses at this frequency would be astronomical. Also once west ed is connected things will really take of.

I mean its pretty obvious why projections are off, we had a global event that changed societies bigly over night.
Sorry for your luck, city admin prefers for people to drink and drive at that time.
What a ridiculous thing to say.
Above all, once the Valley Line stops running the 511-Owl provides parallel bus service until 3 AM.
Any railway system needs maintenance. Even a brand new one. The overnight work window is critical for this. When you considered the work window is only from about 2:00-5:00, that isn't a lot of time. It is possible with single tracking to start earlier, depending upon the work being done.
The Capital and Metro lines see a lot of snow removal work during the overnight period. I've been on the last train of the night heading north as a small parade of snow removal equipment heads south.
Beautiful sight Saturday late afternoon. Churchill Square full of people just enjoying a nice day in the city, a large crowd of people spilling out of the inbound Valley Line train and some of them could've been heading to the Oilers watch parties but there were lots looking like they were just coming downtown to hang out, lots more waiting for the outbound train.

If you guys think a 1 am closing time is bad, I’ve been in Rome and Naples the past few days, where (except for Friday and Saturday in Rome), the Metro stops running at 11 or even earlier (that’s how I got stranded in Scampia by myself late one night)

You see personally, my urbanist values would be tested if a metro left me stranded in one of the worst hoods in all of Europe 💀

Hope your trip is going well tho lol!
I wonder how Park and Ride worked for Saturday's football game.
In conjunction with the Oilers game, it was pretty full!

I actually used the train on Saturday about an hour or so before the game and it was packed, full of Oilers fan heading downtown and Elks fans transferring at Churchill (and the occasional commuter not going to any of these lol). It was packed to the point that there wasn't any space for some riders at the stations since they were coming in at 10 min frequencies. Absolutely amazing to see but a pain in the ass to be in since it was sardine can central. I feel like the city should at least do 5 min frequencies for some of these events, especially if they major events like this coincide with each other.

I overheard some people mentioning it's the first time they've taken the train to get to downtown (which probably falls in like with a lot of the Elks riders), so hopefully we got a positive perception of this line in particular.
I wonder how Park and Ride worked for Saturday's football game.
I used it for the Heritage Classic back in October, and it was seamless. Granted, we got there early, but we had no problem at all finding a spot. Much better than the old Davies P&R over on 86th.
Weekday boardings averaged 14,100 in April and are currently averaging 15,300 for May. No, I can't provide any sources.
Thanks for sharing these numbers! Do you think they'll be affected much once the playoffs end, or is the increase mostly due to changing travel patterns for regular trips?
