Valley Line LRT/ Valley Line West | ?m | ?s | City of Edmonton

I honestly didn't expect better from Knack. Atleast he's more qualified to comment on construction than the lady complaining about change.
MIP started to launch the gantry over 170st tonight, and it It was pretty cool to see. I’m not sure what the concrete blocks are for on the back of the gantry (I assume some type of balancing measure?). Looks like most of this work will be done at night, but I’m not sure how often they will close the 1 side of 170st to lift segments.

I'm open to elevated lines, but the problem is that the public often used it as an excuse to try and push up costs in order to kill expansion projects.

Valley should have been completely elevated, and autonomous, but we all know the price would have been preventative in the political climate of the time..

I'm very happy with the tram alternative instead of using high floor trains at grade.
By the time we open the entire 27 km line, we'll have endured almost the same construction timeline as Crosstown assuming it opens in 2024. 2011-2024 versus 2016 -2027. 25km versus 27km. Assuming VLW opens on time, we'll have completed ours two years quicker. Who knows though, maybe we will all be cursing Marigold in 2029 because of unforeseen issues.
Someone on SSP reporting potential issues with some of the welds now?

Here's hoping that is regionalized and not prolific in nature.
I'm assuming you're talking about the rails?

Edit: or is this some joke about that other place that I'm unaware of?
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My apologies for not thinking to get a picture but I saw a cleaning crew with mops and cleaners and stuff at the Bonnie Doon stop today, so, I'm not an expert in anyway, but I'd assume someone up top is getting pretty confident the line opening is imminent. This assumption based on my time in the trades where we'd do the same type of cleaning right before a house possession.
I believe I saw the same thing in the 38 Ave station on Thursday or Friday last week as well. Maybe, just maybe we're getting close to opening?
