The Mezzo | 53.95m | 16s | WestOak Development | RAW Design

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    Votes: 19 52.8%
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    Votes: 13 36.1%
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    Votes: 3 8.3%
  • I dislike it a lot

    Votes: 1 2.8%

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Edmonton council hears split community on Whyte Avenue project
City councillors faced arguments between keeping the history of Old Strathcona and opening up its future Monday night, during a debate about one 16-storey tower.

After a lengthy hearing council delayed a vote on proposed bylaw changes for the Mezzo, a planned tower on 81 Avenue just behind the historic post office on 105 Street, until Wednesday morning.

City administration are recommending council reject the building, arguing it was too tall and too wide, as well as being out of step with the character of the area.

Matt McLash, the developer proposing the building urged council to think about the future of the area, which he argued needed to attract new residents.

“As a city we need to embrace innovative projects like the Mezzo,” he said. “Edmonton infill requires meaningful new projects that make a significant contribution to our city.”

Full Story (Metro Edmonton)
I'm with the developer, Matt McLash, on this one. He has sussed out the sensibility at street/podium level. I don't find the tower above very imposing; the scale is actually very socially responsible.
In the news...

Divided Edmonton city council approves 16-storey Mezzo tower near Whyte Avenue
Edmonton city council passed zoning changes Wednesday to allow a 16-storey tower just south of Whyte Avenue, overruling advice from its professional planners and volunteer design committee.

After the motion passed 9-3, Coun. Ben Henderson railed at his colleagues for also ignoring a neighbourhood plan yet again. “If we do this as a one-off, I do not understand the purpose of doing (area redevelopment plans) at all.”

Edmonton is just starting to review the area redevelopment plan for Old Strathcona, which was last approved in 1998. Several community members called on council to hold off approving The Mezzo tower until residents had a chance to weigh in on that plan.

Full Story (Edmonton Journal)

Edmonton council approves Mezzo tower in Old Strathcona
Few towers have divided Edmonton like the Mezzo.

Some are worried the 16-storey tower city council approved just off of Whyte Avenue Wednesday will be the first of many, drastically changing the character of the area.

Others think it's a change that's long been needed.

Coun. Ben Henderson, who was one of three votes against the required zoning changes to make way for the building, said there are other developers with similar ideas and council has opened the door to all of them.

Full Story (Metro Edmonton)

City council approves controversial highrise just off Whyte Avenue
City council approved a controversial 16-storey tower just off Whyte Avenue in Old Strathcona, despite protest from the community that the building would change the character of the historic neighbourhood.

The Mezzo tower, proposed by Edmonton-based WestOak Development, will sit at the site of the closed Strathcona Presbyterian Church at 81st Avenue and 105th Street.

Full Story (CBC Edmonton)

Edmonton city council approves 16-storey development in Old Strathcona
EDMONTON — Edmonton city council voted in favour of rezoning a piece of land in Old Strathcona to allow for a new high-rise development.

At 16 stories high, The Mezzo will be the tallest building in the immediate vicinity of Whyte Avenue. It will be located on the corner of 105 Street and 81 Avenue.

Before this approval, only six stories were allowed in the area. The Mezzo will be home to commercial space and housing, including some affordable housing.

Full Story (Global Edmonton)

Note that Global linked to the SkyriseCities database page for The Mezzo!
David Staples: Did Edmonton council make a 16-storey mistake approving Old Scona tower?
Did city council just make a huge mistake that will threaten the vibe of Edmonton’s funkiest neighbourhood, Old Strathcona? That’s the position of numerous Old Scona residents, but it’s not the position of a majority of councillors, who approved the 16-storey Mezzo apartment mid-rise on 81 Avenue, one block off historic Whyte Avenue. It’s not my position, either.

But what if I’m wrong? And what if council got it wrong?

Full Story (Edmonton Journal)
I really like this project, the bold if not quirky architecture contrasts the existing build forms in Old Strathcona nicely. Reminds me of Western Europe with the mix of new modern and old historical, either way it will be world class.
Reference ID: Job No 229310130-007
Description: To construct a 16 storey mixed use building with an underground parkade, General Retail Stores on the ground floor, Professional, Financial and Office Support Services on the second floor, and 147 Dwellings of Apartment Housing. (MEZZO)
Location: 10506 - 81 AVENUE NW
Plan I Blk 63 Lots 32-36
Status: On Hold
Create Date: 10/17/2016 2:23:20 PM
Neighbourhood: QUEEN ALEXANDRA
Anyone hear any new news on this? Seems for the time being that the church has been wrapped up in plastic. Still waiting to see when it is torn down. What are your thoughts on the possibility of this project starting in 2017? I met with Matt McLash and it seemed like he was excited to get this project going. It was a big win for him getting it passed council. His energy is good should be built at the decent speed once it breaks ground.
Girlfriend and I walked by the site last night and she was complaining about the height of the tower. I quickly chirped up and said it will be good for the area. We do, after all, live in a city, I exclaimed. I mentioned how buildings can be set back from the road (104th Street as an example) and she agreed. Plus, it will activate the area even more. I truly hope that Southpark gets approved for this area, too. I think this project set a precedent that will be hard to ignore if Southpark gets things right, and it should, considering the developer behind it.

Once this and Raymond block, and Southpark are built out, this area is going to be hopping!
