Strathearn Heights Redevelopment | 81m | ?s | Nearctic Group | GEC

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Spoke to Jim (family behind it) and David (Nearctic) today and am confident you will see things moving soon...
I know this is the wrong thread but since you have a connection to the developer what is happening to their site on 121 Street just north of the Jameson open pit?
Address: 9518 - 87 STREET NW
9560 - 87 STREET NW
8720 - 95 AVENUE NW
8722 - 95 AVENUE NW
8724 - 95 AVENUE NW
Planner Description: The City has received a road closure application from GEC Architecture. The proposed closure is located between 95 Avenue NWand 96 Avenue NW and west of 87 Street NW. If closed, the closure area will be part of a larger land assembly under the Direct Control Zone (DC.21007) to allow for the development of high density, mixed- use, transit-oriented development and transit plaza.
Status: In Review
File Number: LDA20-0192

Another rezoning proposal for the area.

This makes me think that things may actually be going ahead… 🤞
