Stantec Tower | 250.84m | 66s | ICE District Prop.

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my buddy manages the cactus on jasper. Said they looked initially is what he heard, but stuck with their jasper location. They see it as meeting the same “area need”, while having parking, less social issues, and cheaper rates than ice district.
my buddy manages the cactus on jasper. Said they looked initially is what he heard, but stuck with their jasper location. They see it as meeting the same “area need”, while having parking, less social issues, and cheaper rates than ice district.
Parking?! There’s more parking available near ID than where they currently are. Especially during the winter months when you would not even need to go outside.ID is also easier to get to by transit, bike, scooter, walk and is closer to more hotels and residences (foxes, Icons, Stantec, etc.). Plus, people already go to Cactus to go to Cactus, I’m sure they wouldn’t miss a beat—many would probably prefer it. Cheaper rates I can understand.
Parking?! There’s more parking available near ID than where they currently are. Especially during the winter months when you would not even need to go outside.ID is also easier to get to by transit, bike, scooter, walk and is closer to more hotels and residences (foxes, Icons, Stantec, etc.). Plus, people already go to Cactus to go to Cactus, I’m sure they wouldn’t miss a beat—many would probably prefer it. Cheaper rates I can understand.
When people complain about lack of parking they are almost always just complaining about lack of free parking.
my buddy manages the cactus on jasper. Said they looked initially is what he heard, but stuck with their jasper location. They see it as meeting the same “area need”, while having parking, less social issues, and cheaper rates than ice district.
They actually were very, very close to opening something a little different in Manulife where RBC was with a rooftop bar.
