Stantec Tower | 250.84m | 66s | ICE District Prop.

What do you think of this project?

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Cory Wosnack
• 1st
Principal & Managing Director at Avison Young Commercial Real Estate

The question of “what is happening downtown?” has been coming up more often lately. Typically this is code for their frustration for what they presume isn’t happening.

Unfortunately, recreating vibrancy takes a long time. Tenants in the market today often have 18-24 months left on their current lease. It can take 6 months to negotiate a new lease, 3 months to design and another 6 months to renovate. It is easy to become impatient because from the time a company decides to relocate, it’s a year before there is a positive impact to the neighbourhood.

But things are about to get a whole lot busier around ICE District. Over the next 6 months, 500 more staff will be moving into Stantec Tower (just from the deals that have been announced publicly). Add to that the opening of Henry Singer’s new flagship store, a high-end sushi restaurant in Edmonton Tower and another 200+ staff moving into Bell Tower, and it’s going to feel significantly more energized in the core.


^ great pic of Stantec and the poor design of Columbia Ave street parking. I see that oversized Escalade doesn't even fit. New bike lane infrastructure in 2023 should not have active transportation occurring between moving and parked vehicles. Full stop.
or maybe the escalade’s driver simply needs a ticket for parking more than 12” from the curb? The parking lane itself has enough width.
or maybe the escalade’s driver simply needs a ticket for parking more than 12” from the curb? The parking lane itself has enough width.
Yeah it looks like enough room, although from the picture I find the design confusing. It almost looks like you are parking on the curb, which is actually not the case.

The car in front seems to have figured it out, but maybe it came after, and its owner is more familiar with the area.
It feels like a bit of trend with another local coffee place in a prominent downtown office tower location.

I also feel it adds a bit to the character of the building and the area, rather than it being another locatoin for some huge generic international chain.
