Stantec Tower | 250.84m | 66s | ICE District Prop.

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Maybe once the cwb building gets built they’ll propose an idea. Our skyline is nice in the summer but boring on the winter I think. So lights on buildings will be a nice change. Also anyone know anything on when they plan on starting construction? It’d go up pretty fast considering parking is done.
Maybe once the cwb building gets built they’ll propose an idea. Our skyline is nice in the summer but boring on the winter I think. So lights on buildings will be a nice change. Also anyone know anything on when they plan on starting construction? It’d go up pretty fast considering parking is done.
For a supposed winter city, we are terribly afraid of colour to brighten things up. It seems the only approved colours these days for tall buildings are beige, gray and shades of blue.

Any older buildings that don't follow this are derided and in some cases like the former Scotia Place reclad in a colder colour.
In regard to lighting, that is an easy remedy; As per Architected's ,"opportunity missed", it is more than we ever will know. One of me irks during the arena proposal was that it occurred right during the middle of our boom period and much of the physical development didn't shape up until we started saturating the peak of that boom leaving many aspects to potentially fails such as condo sales or delays in towers. Imagined if our provincial, civic and entrepreneurialism all had pre-planned for that boom to create excitements while that boom shifted gears? A second hotel, and north of Rogers would have already taken some form of shape, and, possibly, stimulated further ancillary developments. We missed opportunities to take advantages of all the potential refineries proposals which would have created further developments.
Well, the economy has picked up some since it bottomed out in 2020-21, so maybe we will be fortunate enough to get another boom or at least enough economic activity to encourage filling in some of the spots missed last time.

I agree a second hotel would be a good idea. Perhaps the Stationlands development finally proceeding further will prompt more activity by others north of 104th Ave as well.
One just has to pray for our economy to stay healthy despite Europe and USA's possible misfortunes in the coming months as we are in good shape with our natural abundancy of resources and quite diversified economy. As a city we, along with Calgary, are more educated than your average North American cities imo, so that should play to our advantage. Further to this, lets also pray we have sound stewardship in governance at all levels, including other cities, jurisdictions and province to maintain such course of action...
Now that the economy has improved some, I also think some in the east who are shut out of the expensive housing market there, or want to cash out, are looking at Alberta.
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The big open pit on 103 Ave and the scaffolding surrounding Stantec Tower are both a major blights on the district and plaza. The district/plaza has taken a couple steps forward recently with the opening of some of the spaces in the Connect Center (especially Ice District Authentics) and will take a couple leaps forward next month when Loblaws and Canadian Icehouse/Banquest open up. But the pit and scaffolding will keep dragging the overall aesthetic/experience back a step or two.

I fear the lawyers of all the entities who may have touched the design and construction of the Stantec Tower may hold things up indefinitely on the final fix as they figure out who exactly is to blame and who will pay for the fix. I hope I am wrong here.
None of the design team locally are with Stantec anymore as far as I know. The TO, Vancouver and Boston people may still be around.
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