Royal Glenora Club Redevelopment | ?m | 2s | Royal Glenora Club | Arc Studio

What do you think of this project?

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I think the exterior is now completed, unsure of the interior


Don't get me wrong. I like the 'style', but this project feels cold, uninviting and perhaps a bit insensitive to 'the rest of us' given the public dollars...
^the east facade is prominent and should have had some art, colour, something inviting to welcome folks coming down the hill, looking at it from the LRT and or coming up RVR.

*over the years (not necessarily for this expansion)

I hope there is a plan to record the tennis centre to match???
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The tennis center is being painted right now to match (black with orange highlights to match the longboard)

I just wish they either went with a predominantly silver color scheme to complement the roof, or painted the roof black.

With every view of the building being elevated, you can't help but see a ton of roof...and it just looks like a mishmash to me with having the two tied in together with an intentional design or color
Also wish the original timbers were updated to match the longboard. At least on the portion of them that extend out the exterior
Jomes Bond villain headquarters.... fitting for the Edmonton elites? lol

I really like the look and its dark presence. Haven't taken a thorough in-person look yet though.
Don't get me wrong. I like the 'style', but this project feels cold, uninviting and perhaps a bit insensitive to 'the rest of us' given the public dollars...
That will depend on how they landscape to make the area inviting; and this particular angle will require that as it faces a major traffic/visual.

You aren’t missing anything if it wasn’t silhouetted, looks exactly the same
