Rogers Place | ?m | ?s | Katz Group | HOK

What do you think of this project?

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The mother of all parking structures -- I like that it is all underground. I wonder where the ingress/egress points will be… hmmm?
I believe there will be one off of 103 Ave in the Stantec podium, one off of 102 St for the hotel, and maybe one off of the alley-way behind what is now Greyhound?
Susan Darrington, vice-president and GM of Rogers Place, has to find enough people to populate a small town to also perform at a high level in the building.

“We’ll have close to a thousand in food and beverage people alone and. Another 900 employees will be in there as well as security, ushers and guest experience people,” she said of on an Oilers’ game night.

The daughter of original Northlands Coliseum manager Neil Campbell says she is expecting to get into the building ahead of schedule.

“Technically it’s not until Sept. 2 that we’ll be receiving the keys to the building, but we really do feel that we’re going to receive the space early from PCL. Just for fun, we’re using a working date of Aug. 15, or roughly four months from now.

“We’re going to make ice, melt ice, make ice again, practise putting in the dasher boards, taking them out and converting as if we had concerts moving in. We’ll probably do that three or four times in the main arena. We’ll also be doing that same work in the community rink.
“The big challenge for our group until then is just learning the building. This thing is massive. We have about 1.1 million square feet in the arena. B.C. Place is a stadium and it has 1.4 million. So we’re just shy of being stadium sized, not arena sized.”

Or try it another way.

Rogers Place — 1.1 million square feet.

Rexall Place — 497,700 square feet.

There’s no comparison.

“From a refrigeration point of view we have about 400 tons of refrigeration. Compared to other facilities, most would probably be around 250. So we have a lot of juice.

“We have the ability to allocate how much we want to go to with each facility because it is a common ice plant for the Rogers Place and the Community Arena. We’re going to be able to change how the ice is controlled, which is unique,” said the iceman who started 15 years ago in the refrigeration industry.

“The electrical services for concerts are massive. As an example, there are 7,000 amps of three-faced power that’s dedicated specifically to live entertainment. I can tell you right now that’s double what I’m used to in stadiums.

“Another really key feature is the ability to hang 200,000 pounds in multiple configurations for concerts and other live entertainment. These productions just continue to get bigger. Paul McCartney is flying 175,000 pounds in arenas right now that is nearly unprecedented.”

You can hear the people down in Calgary at the Saddledome throwing up just reading that quote.

The reason McCartney holds two shows in Edmonton and zero in Calgary and Edmonton became the concert capital had a lot to do with the Saddledome not being able to hold much poundage.

“We’re future proofed,” said McFaul.
“Another really key feature is the ability to hang 200,000 pounds in multiple configurations for concerts and other live entertainment.”

That should put to bed all the questions and concerns people had about the new roof being able to support concert equipment.
Just to be error-proof, the quote from McFaul should read there are 7,000 amps of 3-phase power not "three-faced". Errors aside, that is major power -- typical large warehouse might be 800 amps.
