Prairie Sky Gondola | 76.2m | ?s | Prairie Sky | DIALOG

What do you think of this project?

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Would a different station alignment make this project feasible? This and High level line would both serve our central city very well in different and complimentary ways. Hope it happens one day. Rossdale needs help.
Given what Council honed in on during the meeting, a different alignment, particularly in Rossdale further away from the power plant, would likely do wonders to get this to move ahead. I'm honestly surprised it wasn't mentioned much during the meeting. It was largely because that stop was seen as an anchor stop for the line, but I don't see it going ahead while that remains in the plans. The monumental costs of bringing the power plant up to occupancy don't make it viable anytime soon, given the state of the City's finances, notwithstanding the political considerations. They should look at a Royal Glenora or Telus Field connection instead. I imagine they will also need to look to the feds and province if they need any subsidies.
^ "They should look at a Royal Glenora"
What a win for the members of the private club but not the public as there is nothing there but a walking trail. The lower parts of the Legislature grounds may offer a better solution.
^ "They should look at a Royal Glenora"
What a win for the members of the private club not two much the public as there is nothing there but a walking trail. The lower parts of the Legislature grounds may offer a better solution.
I was mainly looking at something at the same elevation as the previous proposed stations. The lower parts of the leg grounds are still at quite a bit of a higher grade. Given that "walking trail" is one of the primary connections to the river valley and across the LRT bridge, it would be a good spot for people walking and those with accessibility challenges. If the City makes Touch the Water a priority, it could also be a good connection to that as well.
Even if I never have to go up Burnaby mountain again, as a former SFU student who had to take that bus up and down the hill, I can't wait to see the SFU Gondola project go through, for the sake of all former and future students.
I can look back and laugh at memories of scrambling to avoid getting stranded on the mountain every time it snowed, but in the moment it was really shitty!

I remember one day, I was in a packed bus (always the big bendy busses), and I just happened to be right up near the front door, god forbid in front of the yellow line. We were crawling up the hill, the drivers speedo said 30km/h and I asked him if we only go that fast because of some rule, or if this is really all the bus can do, and he replies to me "My foot is to the floor!".
It's no surprise how many busses also broke down on that hill, running the gauntlet all day back and forth, each packed to the brim. The gondola will be amazing, and improve that stupid commute in countless ways.
This project started getting a bit of traction after the Prairie Sky Gondola had gone through a couple of years of forward movement with the city. And then our current city council decided to .... well take a risk its the most Edmonton thing to do! Not. And now the SFU project is leapfrogging ahead with leadership.
A common denominator between those two projects is EllisDon also. Lets recap:

-They were the construction services of the TransEd consortium, where basic construction errors were made endlessly
-They convinced OpenSky they could build their Jameson project at a taller height for a cheaper price, then promptly defaulted on the job after getting it leaving us with a gaping hole in the middle of Oliver for close to two years now
-They’re burning big capital on the HSR with nothing to show for it
-This one unfortunately crashed and burned, with ED being allegedly fairly heavily invested

These guys need to stop sucking from the wrong end of the garden hose and stick to building stuff out east.
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