Emerald Tower | 153.61m | 45s | Regency Developments | DER + Associates

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thanx Dave! i was going to use this site as a replacement for Connect2Edmonton because i thought it had gone belly-up for good but i see it's back. i'm so happy that it is and that i also found this additional site so i can have even more Edmonton chat. good times!! :)
Agreed, agreed! I like the design (especially compared to some of the other dogs that have been approved). Apparently the coloured glass feature has not been finalized yet.
An unfortunate number of inaccuracies in this article, but it's a decent read nonetheless.

Above-grade parking hobbles Edmonton’s tallest high-rise
Edmonton City Council’s green-lighting last month of the 45-storey Emerald condo tower slated for Jasper Avenue and 114 Street came amid controversy over both its height and the inclusion of above-grade parking.

The Emerald will be at least twice as tall as its neighbours and will become the city’s tallest building, eclipsing the Pearl, which stands at 36 storeys and was completed by the same developer last year. It will also be three times the height the lot was previously zoned for.

Many councillors, including the Mayor, and the City’s planning department and design committee opposed the development. According to Kalen Anderson, director of planning co-ordination, the planning branch were concerned that “the proposed density and corresponding design and amenity contribution did not fully recognize the increase in development rights being requested.”

Full Story (Globe and Mail)
DP is submitted:

Reference ID: Job No 241625592-001
Description: To construct a mixed-use Apartment building (Main Floor: 5 General Retail Stores, Underground and 2nd to 4th floor: Parkade, 5th to 43th floor: Residential units)
Location: 11350 - JASPER AVENUE NW
Plan NB Blk 13 Lot 115
Plan NB Blk 13 Lot 116
Plan NB Blk 13 Lots 117-118
Status: New
Create Date: 2/21/2017 8:42:27 AM
Neighbourhood: OLIVER
