Bateman Lands Mid-Rise | 34m | 8s | Bateman Properties | Next Architecture

What do you think of this project?

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Wow. That's a major disappointment. The size reduction is one thing, but the complete lack of ANY retail is such a shame and complete departure from the goals of the project initially. Classic Edmonton
Sadly, it is more of a comment on where the market is than anything.
I mean, there's definitely no lack of demand for housing in the City, but perhaps just a lack of the $/sq. ft. that would command a tower. Good design is not tied to dollars though - hiring a competent architect can be done even on a budget and this was obviously not done here.
It’s an improvement over the empty lot we currently have! 😅

I’ll take any movement on any site on 99th St.

The one on 83rd has been sitting for a long time too.

Would love to see the tower on 80th get going as well.
The lack of CRUs suck, no question. However, across 99 St there's the Columbian cafe, the soon-to-open Frank's Pub and who knows what else.
